Pilots are the most highly-regulated professional body in the world, both medically, and psychologically. There is no reason for young, physically fit, highly-regulated pilots to “die-suddenly” 😡

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Totally agree, and for 95 years, they didn't, especially commercial pilots with 1st class meds and the honesty of pilots to ground themselves if anything threatens their health!

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Amen. I am a chief actuary. I woke up to the scam and realized that the entire thing was a crime against humanity after seeing the obvious data manipulation by the cdc vs insurance industry experience. My colleagues thought I was nuts and I was disallowed from attending anything in person for not being vaccinated. I’m lucky to still be employed. I am still convinced that the vaxx is the cause of an unthinkable amount of excess deaths. No one else can explain the boatload of deaths labeled as “unknown cause”.

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Double Amen! Psychopathy is operative here to allow the data manipulation and worse, allow death, disabilities and morbidities to occur, keeping such - not only secret, but continuing to allow such atrocities to continue.

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Excellent speech Dr. Stillwagon. Well said!

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Well said Dr S!

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Five minutes of pure gold! Thank you, Dr. Stillwagon. I’ll be sharing widely. I wish I had known this 60 years ago. And I wish more people would listen. I’ll keep trying to break through. You’ve been a big part of my ability to do that.

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Thank you Big E for re-posting, and thank you Dr. Stillwagon for your advocacy and outreach!

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I wonder how the Air Traffic Controllers are doing. Let's also never forget WHO did this to us. These murderers think they're going to walk away free and clear with their pile of money. The People will hunt them down. https://www.gtvflyers.com/every-single-aspect-of-the-covid-agenda-is-jewish/

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Changes need to be made? Really?

How about hang them high, swinging in the wind all around the areas that these murderers reside, until the bodies fall apart, nailing home the idea that this will NEVER be allowed again.

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I am having a difficult time understanding what pilots are doing to us, re:geoengineering.

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99% of the white stripes you see in the sky are above 20,000 feet and are normal contrails. Every aircraft flying above 18,000 feet must be on a filed flight plan and must have a transponder that shows the altitude of the aircraft. There is no switch in the cockpit to turn contrails on and off. If any intentional spraying is being done in flight patterns, it will be at 15,000 feet and below where you can clearly see the aircraft and something being sprayed from it. These would not have to be on a flight plan and can fly any pattern they want. Personally, I have never seen anything being sprayed from aircraft at those altitudes. Some spraying is being done by smaller aircraft, but not a lot. Usually these aircraft are seeding clouds that are already there, trying to get them to precipitate rain or snow, so you wouldn't be able to see them from the ground due to the clouds. In my 33 years of flying at high altitudes above lower clouds, I have never seen any aircraft below me and below 15,000 feet spraying anything at all.

The military is experimenting with SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection), but not to the extent people think. This is being done at high altitudes, trying to reflect back out some of the solar radiation that reaches the earth.

If there was anything in jet fuel that is used on passenger aircraft, trying to geoengineer the atmosphere, it would be highly concentrated in the soil around major airports. It's not.

In my opinion, trying to get people to think that passenger jets are spraying and poisoning us is all part of the plan. If enough of us believe it, commercial flights within the borders of countries will be eventually prohibited, and people will be forced to travel by high speed trains or other "geofriendly" methods. They want us in those 15 minute cities you may have heard about.

Read my substack on chemtrails:


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I read the article on chemtrails. This is the best explanation I’ve seen to date on this topic, which I’ve recently begun exploring. Thank you, as always, Dr. Stillwagon for bringing clarity to what for many is a foggy topic.

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Hi Kevin,

Do you have any stats on pilot deaths/excess mortality?


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I certainly do. Anyone can email kevinstillwagon@cs.com with a request and I will send you an excel file with 2562 pilot deaths connected to their obituaries as reported in the ALPA magazine since January, 2019. The data clearly shows an almost 40% rise in the incidences of pilots dying prior to normal retirement age that happened after the administration of the shot in early 2021. It also indicates that the average age of all pilot deaths is dropping.

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So horribly heart breaking. Thank you so much for all the good you do.

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Treatments for VAX injury here : 



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Best ever non compliance speech doc ☺️

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Thank you, Dr. Kevin, for telling people to have the courage to stand up to this corporate, global hustle……..a hustle that puts love of the almighty dollar far ahead of life itself. I have tons of respect for people like you. You are a very good man!

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