Pilots are still dying younger than expected. I call it murder. Significant changes need to be made to insure this never happens again. It’s free to join USFreedomFlyers.org to see what we’re up to. Donate if you can.
Thanks for watching, and thanks for staying smart.
Pilots are the most highly-regulated professional body in the world, both medically, and psychologically. There is no reason for young, physically fit, highly-regulated pilots to “die-suddenly” 😡
Amen. I am a chief actuary. I woke up to the scam and realized that the entire thing was a crime against humanity after seeing the obvious data manipulation by the cdc vs insurance industry experience. My colleagues thought I was nuts and I was disallowed from attending anything in person for not being vaccinated. I’m lucky to still be employed. I am still convinced that the vaxx is the cause of an unthinkable amount of excess deaths. No one else can explain the boatload of deaths labeled as “unknown cause”.