wow. Not good. From the moment I saw they used PEG (and Johnson used Polysorbate, from the same toxic family) I knew I did not want this IN my body. I do not even want it ON my body - it sits in many shampoos and 2 years ago consumer magazine tested 150 and found chemical leftovers from the production in half of them PEG is made from poisonous, flammable and explodable gasses. If all goes well, the poison is 'washed' out. If not, leftovers are in the final product. This is what the chemist explained to me the year I worked at a chemical plant were basics for beauty products were made. I forgot a lot, but not that ! After all, why don't they make vaccines in oral form to begin with? Then the product goes through the digestive system and that will already filter out some grub. The vaccine for rabies in animals in Europe is oral and lasts their whole life. In the US they have a yearly and a 3-yearly (which is the same as the yearly only more expensive) injectable. Money money.

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PEG is the reason some people get anaphylaxis after an injection. Their bodies have been previously exposed to PEG from many products including cosmetics, and built up antibodies against PEG that can overreact to an injection that contains it. That's the bad side. The good side is, some people with antibodies against PEG can block the LNP from getting into cells. That's called an anti-vector response and explains why some people who get injected end up making little to no proteins, therefore they get little to no adverse reactions.

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thank you so much for this explanation! That is probably also the reason that lots of people survive the death jabs. Including my elderly parents.

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I went to an allergist in June-August 2021. He asked me if I had taken the jab. I told him no because I was concerned about anaphylaxis. He stopped right there knowing I could not be convinced to join the JAB club. I quit him after a month or so later.

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It’s one reason. The e-coli plasmid contamination is a possible other source.

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Yes, and probably more to come. This is why it is supposed to take a number of years for a new pharmaceutical to reach the market. It takes time to find out what the physiological ramifications will be.

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a friend ended up in hospital with a "tumor" on his spine that ended up being a CYST FULL OF E. COLi !! fully vaxxed

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And? It was researched recently in Oregon...that once you get a shot for tetanus actually no boosters are needed but $$$

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in Europe there circulated a rumour that the tetanus shot is worthless to begin with. I have not read anything new on that recently. The article stated, that tetanus happens when a wound is not cleaned properly. Seems that if they do a good job at cleaning no shot is needed.

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The T in the DPT or DTaP shot. The organism associated with tetanus, like the two previous organisms, is also a living bacterium, not a nonliving virus particle. Clostridium tetani bacteria secrete a very powerful toxin that can result in neurological symptoms, mainly uncontrollable muscle spasms. The amount of this toxin that reaches the central nervous system is directly proportional to the severity of symptoms. It is important to know that the only place this organism can grow in your body is in an area with no oxygen present. A wound that is exposed to the air will not provide the proper environment for this organism to grow. However, a deep puncture wound will lack oxygen, and the organism can grow and secrete toxins IF the wound was not properly cleaned.

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So... on punctures... how do you properly clean them? Cut them open?

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Allow the wound to bleed for a couple of minutes. This will naturally move any organisms from inside to outside. Next, rinse the wound gently under running water to remove dirt and debris. Use mild soap also, but don't scrub as this can cause further tissue damage. You can also use a syringe to push a gentle stream of water to irrigate the wound thoroughly. Use tweezers cleaned with alcohol to carefully remove any visible debris or foreign objects from the wound. Generously apply an antiseptic solution such as hydrogen peroxide to the wound to kill any potentially harmful bacteria. An antibiotic ointment can then be applied if desired. Cover it with a bandaid, or close it with butterfly strips if necessary.

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Thank you for your thorough reply! Only... rose thorn punctures don't bleed ... or those wicked tines of the gopher trap,..... nails.... I would think the ointment would block off any oxygen and be counterproductive but I guess the hope is if it penetrates, it will kill. I've soaked punctures in epsom salt and it takes the redness away so I'm assuming it draws toxins or penetrates and kills.

BTW, I just watched a video you did on the existence of viruses. Excellent! Thank you!

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I remember seeing this on CT. Health And Human Services where SM102 was listed as an ingredient in Moderna. When it first came out. I checked and it said NOT for animal or Human use. It was quickly removed from the website. I believe it was shared by accident. Crazy and Dangerous!

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I remember that, didn't know it had been removed since.

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Yes. I took a screenshot. A week later I couldn't find it again.

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Methodically, brilliantly evil and cruel, yet with a dash of plausible deniability. Before their executions for willful murderous crimes, perhaps they should all get brought up to date starting with the initial vaccines followed by full boosting so the ‘won’t catch Covid’.

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Share the same sentiment!

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Thanks, as always, for your clear writing and explanations.

Here is a Safety Data sheet for ALC-0315: https://broadpharm.com/msds/bp-25498

And for SM-102: https://broadpharm.com/msds/bp-25499

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My comment is, there seems to be so much evidence by credible doctors and scientists, when do these people (companies & governing bodies) get taken to court? When are heads going to roll?! They all should be held accountable for the death and destruction they have caused!

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Thank you so much. In 2020 all I had to see was that it was encased in lipid fat and I knew that it wasn't for me...or anyone

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Outstanding summary with important links! THANK YOU for this very valuable information.

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We knew nothing about the dynamics of what the Dr. is speaking about, but just the talk of these vaccines, when they were rolling out, made my skin crawl. Listen to your inner voice people….

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“The size of a virus particle” eh? The ones that have never been seen, nor isolated, nor proven to cause disease? Debating the safety and efficacy of any vaccine is pointless, because they are simply not necessary. Start with that perhaps?

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Yeah, viruses are a touchy subject. Check this out:


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I wonder if the symptoms of “infection” shown in the study you quoted might have been related to the remdesivir injected into the test subjects and not the “virus”? 🤔

No controls of course. This study is the usual BS that is touted by people trying to prove virus theory, most won’t read beyond the abstract to see there is nothing scientific, just the usual, drug companies paying for studies which are guaranteed (by their method) to yield the result they seek. Course, you are perfectly capable of seeing that for yourself, right? 🤔

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Not all of the test subjects who were exposed were treated with remdesivir. The point I was trying to make is that some of the exposed did not develop symptoms at all.

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Maybe they, the waste proteins or left over proteins or whatever that stuff is, maybe don’t assemble into nano-bots, but they do seem to coagulate into stylized rubbery linear polymer blood vessel plugs and clots over time. Pfizer, Moderna, and possibly Astrazenaca all are complicit in an attempted human culling. Their’s is a diabolical agenda.

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