This was a great explanation, Dr. Stillwagon. This is precisely what Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi tried to convey to anyone who was willing to pay attention. It makes perfect sense to me.
Yes Bhakdi did publish a book on the cytotoxicity of mRNA injections. It was coauthored by a panel of stellar experts /Users/kathleennathan/Desktop/title-small-e1690555902541.png
who called themselves ....I do not know if this group still exists.
Our New Book: "mRNA Vaccine Toxicity," Free to Download, Available in Chinese, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Spanish Translations
Readers of our website will be aware that the mRNA vaccines that have been used against COVID-19 have caused injury and death on an unprecedented scale in the history of medicine. This book argues that these harms had to be expected from first principles of immunology. Furthermore, they are not limited to the COVID vaccines alone; instead, they are inherent in the mRNA technology as …
Although I am in the U.S., Dr. Bhakdi's book, "The Way of Truth" does not seem to be available in English here, as far as I can tell. I will keep looking, however. If I find it, I will let you know. I too, was very fond of Dr. Arne Burkhardt. He was such a decent human being who tried so hard to provide the truth about what he was actually seeing as a pathologist. Like all of the others who have tried to tell the truth about anything related to covid or the poorly tested experimental genetic injections, he was ignored. Then he sadly died. He is missed.
Thank-you I will keep speaking of Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and prof Arne Burkhardt to all that will listen. Thank you again for your reply, I am most grateful.
Yes, I remember seeing that video. Thanks for providing the link. I may watch it again. Dr. Bhakdi's book, together with his wife, Karina Reiss, PhD, was actually the first book I read regarding the whole scamdemic. It was called, "Corona, False Alarm?" Between Dr. Vladimir Zelenko & Dr. Bhakdi, they really opened my eyes about what was going on. They, in turn, led me down a very deep rabbit hole as well as a very long & winding road of discovery as to what was being perpetrated against & foisted on humanity. I am very grateful to them as I am to all of the other courageous & ethical doctors & scientists who have spoken out about this deliberate attack on the world's population. I keep their names close at hand & it is from them that I seek information. Once you have this level & degree of insight & understanding, it is easy to see precisely what has taken place. The hardest part is trying to get others to open their eyes. I've pretty much given up. As Mark Twain once said, "It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they've been fooled".
That is what he was afraid of. They were going to double down on it. He was never going to take another vaccination/jab because of this. Soon all the 'vaxes' they sell you which your CHILDREN are MANDATED to take to go to school - will be these kinds of jabs. Total death and wipe of humans
elites do not take jabs/vaccines. That's the tip off. Ask Billy Gate of Hell if his kids and their kids are vaxxed? Answer not a chance in hell... We are the carbon they want to get rid of. Perhaps the second coming is coming fast and they don't want any souls left for Heaven... so they are corrupting and killing them off asap. I think of this as alien. These are profoundly anti life anti human anti world people. On par with an alien culture terra forming us out of existence
Mark my words .... people will fight back and there will not be enough armed guards to stop them. I'm not calling for violence BUT there is an old saying....when people lose everything and they have nothing else to lose...they lose it.
Thankyou Dr Stillwagon from the bottom of my heart for not being afraid to say “God designed” the immune system We marvel at the ingenuity of a craftsman who makes beautiful things that work well. That is an impressive type of wisdom isn’t it? Well, I firmly believe that Jehovah God is the Source of and the ultimate Professor of such wisdom. Your wonderful explanation in words we can all understand, helps confirm this to me.
King David said of Jehovah :”I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know this very well”(Psalm 139:14)
So, indeed, the more I, personally, learn about the human body ,the more I find myself awed, like David, by Jehovah’s wisdom
Those who try to disregard the original wise design and substitute their own are evil, arrogant fools.
Until we, as a collective, understand that the mechanism of harm in these mRNA injections is cytotoxic T cells killing previously healthy cells, we stand no chance.
Most of us reading this material are not doctors or researchers. I had my first cold in 20 years just this week. I will never put anything in my body just because a doctor wants me to.
Understood and agreed. In 8 years of medical school, doctors do not learn about health. They learn abour masking symptoms through drugs. This pointless system
never solves the root cause of the problem. Happy new year.
After my mRNA heart attack, stroke, myocarditis, pots, dysautonomia, I was found with depressed adaptive immune system. The doctor did dozens of tests and I recall they had CD8 in the name. Then I was diagnosed with mastocytosis. My cardiologist was at least clear, he said one more mRNA would be fatal.
My 96yo mother in law has had every Covid shot, every flu shot and pneumonia and RSV. 😵💫 She hasn’t been sick with anything in at least 10 years. It’s very bizarre. I guess there’s always outliers.
Some of us have such strong mucosal barriers that stuff that is not supposed to get through it... doesn't, even though the humoral side, the inside, is compromised.
Majdoubi, Pelech, Lavoie et al. study showed (3.5 years ago, mid 2020) & at height of the COVID lockdown lunacy & way before the fraud deadly Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA gene vaccine was rolled out, that 90% of uninfected adults showed antibody reactivity against the spike protein, receptor-binding domain (RBD), N-terminal domain (NTD), or the nucleocapsid (N) protein from SARS-CoV-2
I’m not sure what this phrase refers to. If “Malone” is referring to Robert Malone, he was indeed a leader in mRNA research. He has since come out strongly against the application of his research and is now one of the leading opponents to the mRNA products that were put on the market at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. Yet Paul Alexander excoriates Malone as one of the evil ones.
I would suggest that you take Paul Alexander’s posts with a grain of salt. He is ranting and raging on his own self directed mission and not paying attention as the situation evolves.
True, there are many who need to be held accountable for the immense damage they have brought upon us all, but let’s make sure we get the right ones identified and properly convicted before we bring out the scaffolds.
Agreed. Alexander seems to have gone off the rails this past year & only appears to include himself & a very select few as being worthy of praise. He gets quite vile & rageful, offering no one a bit of room to correct their course at any time. If you once were deceived by the dark side, he will not let you shift, & at best become “controlled opposition.” What’s the point in sharing truth if you refuse to let people have aha moments & team up with you? Hope he’s changing his stance, but I was very disappointed in him & wished I hadn’t prepaid for a year subscription to his substack.
Sadly I must state, and before there are no voters left alive to vote, unless there is REAL criminal prosecution and appropriate actions taken against all of those who walked in lock step to kill off humanity, all of these pretty ideas for actions is worthless. There is no cure of what's in us; no remedies despite all the sales ongoing of spike defense and all the crap. I urge all to view as many times as it takes for this to sink in the follow presentation by a Ph.D researcher who was murdered the day after he when public with his results:
This was from November 2021, the very apex of the pandemic. Scary.
That he could be murdered and nobody held to account speaks loudly of the professionalism of the contract killers. Who has access to professional assassins? Who can afford to pay them? How can the contractors be assured that their contract will never be public knowledge?
The overhaul needed to restore trust in our authorities is overwhelming. I like to call this our guillotine moment, a time when the authorities have so egregiously overstepped their bounds that there will be no limits on anarchy and chaos that follow. And of course it will always be somebody else who is to blame for the chaos, not the gross malfeasance of the authorities in power now.
Sure, Malone the MD/BARDA-scientist claimed he got the Cov in early 2020, and then he took the Jab (knowing very well how it had to work) and then claimed he was Jab-injured! Does that make any sense to anyone?
I asked Dr. Robert Malone why he did that to himself as I drove him to his hotel after a conference we both spoke at on November 20, 2021. He stated he was suffering aftereffects (now called long covid) and was willing to take risks to alleviate the symptoms he was experiencing. Simply, he believed testimony that the shot helped people that were in his dilemma. The proteins created from the shot attached to ACE2 receptors all along his vascular system, sent his blood pressure through the roof, and damn near killed him.
Here’s the conference we spoke at: The Florida Coalition for Health Awareness (FCHA) hosted a landmark panel of medical, research, and legal experts in Largo, Florida. The panel of experts included: Dr. Kevin Stillwagon, Dr. Joseph Fitzgerald, Jeff Childers, Robyn Openshaw, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
Okay great explanation, my question to you is then, for those of us exposed to shedding and are mainly o blood types, did not get the shots, still get sick Plus, it affects the worst gene and causes that gene to become over active, then what do you think?
My suggestion is that your doc should run gene testing, once the results come back, you find the most natural way to work with the gene issue. Insurance will not help for natural meds. In some cases you may have to resort to pharmaceutical treatments.
I also know that the pharmacy folks know this is happening, but doctors, emts, and politicians refuse to talk about it.
Shedding is real just based on measurable changes in menstruation that can be verified. More investigation needs to be done on exactly what people are being exposed to. Personally, and I've said this from the beginning... it's not the protein, it's the message to make the protein that is somehow being transferred.
Gene testing can for sure be helpful in determining predisposition to certain illnesses. What we should do with that information is build preventive protocols particularly with diet and exercise. What we should NOT be doing is trying to change the genetic structure. Unfortunately, western medicine appears to be headed towards gene modification.
Dr. Tenpenny was talking about this when jabs were rolling out. Turning off one part of the immune system, and thus becoming disadvantaged and open to infections. Also Dr. Bhawat (sp) and others. The premise of the 'gene therapy' was flawed. The process as Schwab stated (thank you WEF for telling us) 'changes YOU irrevocably'... hum. And not of course in a good way...
“T cell exhaustion is a state where T cells, a type of immune cell, become dysfunctional and lose their ability to effectively fight off infections or cancer cells due to prolonged exposure to a persistent antigen”
Most definitely. Persistent antigen production from mRNA shots, especially repeated booster shots can exhaust T-helper cells. They will then fail to provide adequate support for cytotoxic T cells that are supposed to destroy infected cells. They will also fail to communicate with B cells that are supposed to make appropriate antibodies, thus weakening the overall immune response. Remember that each T-helper cell is unique, so this exhaustion is going to be specific. If it was general, no one would survive.
“As we age our thymus shrinks and is replaced by fatty tissue, losing its essential ability to grow and develop T cells and leaving us susceptible to infections, immune disorders and cancers.”
“The thymus is a little organ that sits behind the collarbone, but it performs an important job. The thymus is where essential immune cells called T cells are made and trained to go out into the body and fight infections and cancer.
A peculiar feature of the thymus is that it disappears as we get older. The thymus starts deteriorating after birth but the process speeds up after puberty and, by age 65, we are basically unable to make new T cells.”
Sadly I must state, and before there are no voters left alive to vote, unless there is REAL criminal prosecution and appropriate actions taken against all of those who walked in lock step to kill off humanity, those who accepted the lies and took the inoculation, there is no cure of what's in you/us; no remedies despite all the sales ongoing of spike defense and all that crap. I urge all to view as many times as it takes for this to sink in the follow presentation by a PhD.D researcher who was murdered the day after he when public with his results:
I have been thinking about this concept for a couple of years now: "...before there are no voters left alive to vote..." While the left is likely 99% shot up, including many boosters, the right did not spare itself. Untrue, as claimed by MSM/social media, that MAGA/MAHA and even beige GOPers didn't get the shots. 70%+ of Americans getting at least one shot means the majority of red/red-leaning voters got it. Didn't help that DJT was somewhat promoting the shots (but I do not hold him to account for that; he's not a doctor of any sort, nor researcher, nor God). Many of my conservative friends, colleagues and aquaintances got the shots, and seemed shocked when I expressed reservations, back in the day, 2021. So I'd been wondering, starting mid-2023, whether there'd be enough voters (who'd get OFF THEIR ARSES TO VOTE) to get the likes of a RFK Jr unity ticket with DJT (yes I dreamed it back then) voted in, past the inevitable election fraud. Now they're in, kind of (Senate confirmation hearings for the cabinet next), I am reading about how it's quite unlikely that HHS/FDA will remove the covid shots. I need to stop listening to pundits. Because the fact is, I believe you are correct: unless there is real criminal prosecution, this will happen again. And not removing the shots from the shelves has to be the first step in recovery here.
ME, It's slowly coming out that our politicos, many celebs, and power players in all major industries, including even employees of certain pharma firms did not get the v-jay or if they did it was for purposes of registering their VAX status with the govt through inoculation of only a harmless saline solution. Thankfully, the dems are the most brainwashed and have the highest percentage of injections. Now on to Shedding: if you exchange bodily fluids, even a French kiss with a v-jayed person you are vaxed. Also do not be in closed spaces with vaxxed people as even their breath is dangerous.
I did read about some Euro-police types are charging these characters you've noted above, for fake or non jabbed status, though registered in their vax system as vaxxed! And yes, it IS thankfully that the Dems are the most brainwashed and most jabbed. The shedding worries me a lot. My housemate partner is jabbed multiple times, I've lost count, must be 7 boosters, in addition to the original two Moderna shots. (Walgreens gave him a courtesy call last night offering to get him more shots)(OMG). My issues were closed spaces though that has modified over time. Everytime he gets more shots, I spend a week with ivermectin. But take a lot of supplements defensively. I know the turbo cancers and clots are hitting the unvaxxed, and assume it's through shedding so my supplements are as though I got the poison jabs. Stocked up on the anti cancer stuff too. F**king annoying, enraging actually, as anything. Enraging because I was truly persecuted, lost jobs/income, social pariah, mistreated badly for not being vaxxed.
Shedding is the issue, and it's ongoing as it was intended to attack the unv-jayed. Me, well I will not be in a closed room with v-jayed people as shedding occurs by breathing the same air. I will not allow v-jayed people in my car either. Find Dr. Bryan Ardis on the web for his protocols. I've lost some many men friends who were husbands of wives who took the vax I stopped counting. A French kiss will share the vax and kill you. The govt played the females like violins appealing to their vanity and alleged being safe from illness. Even a small amount of research informs this was a military genocide / democide program.
WHAT? I never saw a study proving the existence of COVID-19....where is that study which shows isolation and purification of SARS-C0V2 (or SARS-COV1 for that matter)???? What I know to be true is that stress, lack of nutrients, eating a high carb, high processed, seed oil, sugar rich diet can and does cause all kinds of symptoms of the body detoxing or is natural. I'm glad to know my body is resilient and knows how to repair itself when under assault (not from fictitious "pathogenic viruses".
I asked ONE SIMPLE QUESTION....give me a study that proves isolation and purification of SARS 1 or 2. Why should I watch a video when the study should be at his fingertips? I just want one.
By your definitions, nothing could ever be isolated and purified, even water molecules. It's impossible. The inability to isolate substances underscores the interconnectedness of nature and the complexity of the natural world. The recognition that substances are never completely pure emphasizes the importance of considering context and environment in scientific inquiry. Here's my friend Dr. James Lyons-Weiler with some links to studies in the comments:
I get it that some believe that "viruses" come from within, not without. The fact is, you can find long continuous strands of genetic material that doesn't match the human genome pretty much anywhere inside and outside the body. It's easy to prove they are long continuous strands, and, yes, you can chop them up into tiny pieces and have a computer program piece them back together into unique sequences, but that's not how it's done. Watch my video. In it I describe and experiment that has never been done, but needs to be done, to settle the argument.
First, "By your definitions" mean the definition that is in any dictionary? Are you saying that Robert Koch's gold standard postulates were too strict and that no one complied with the true definition of isolation and purification to determine if a disease was a disease?
You do know that contagion has never been proven and that it is still just a hypothesis, right?
You can't describe how a virus is real by using cell culture materials like antibiotics and other chemicals that would naturally cause a cell to die. Can you write down what products are used in a cell culture to isolate and purify the supposed virus?
This was a great explanation, Dr. Stillwagon. This is precisely what Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi tried to convey to anyone who was willing to pay attention. It makes perfect sense to me.
Yes Bhakdi did publish a book on the cytotoxicity of mRNA injections. It was coauthored by a panel of stellar experts /Users/kathleennathan/Desktop/title-small-e1690555902541.png
who called themselves ....I do not know if this group still exists.
Here is the blurb about this book:
Our New Book: "mRNA Vaccine Toxicity," Free to Download, Available in Chinese, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Spanish Translations
Readers of our website will be aware that the mRNA vaccines that have been used against COVID-19 have caused injury and death on an unprecedented scale in the history of medicine. This book argues that these harms had to be expected from first principles of immunology. Furthermore, they are not limited to the COVID vaccines alone; instead, they are inherent in the mRNA technology as …
Are you located in the USA?
I am unable to order Bhakdis autobiography book that has been translated into other languages.
‘The way of Truth’
Not available on the USA Amazon.
I ordered through
After telling me it was coming to me.
They told me unable to deliver due to technical difficulties
So I reordered it
They told me coming to me in January
Become like a game now
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi has since said he has done another book.
💵⚕️💵 Interview with Prof. Dr. Bhakdi: mRNA Jabs Worse Than Thalidomide
Burkhardts videos all keep going dark on me.
His birthday is coming
January 6
Rest in peace
Arne Burkhardt
(January 6, 1944-May 30, 2023)
One thing Dr Burkhardt said…
He had asked other pathologists and universities to help him.
At first they all said
They all said
We are not helping.
Please leave us alone.
Although I am in the U.S., Dr. Bhakdi's book, "The Way of Truth" does not seem to be available in English here, as far as I can tell. I will keep looking, however. If I find it, I will let you know. I too, was very fond of Dr. Arne Burkhardt. He was such a decent human being who tried so hard to provide the truth about what he was actually seeing as a pathologist. Like all of the others who have tried to tell the truth about anything related to covid or the poorly tested experimental genetic injections, he was ignored. Then he sadly died. He is missed.
Thank-you I will keep speaking of Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and prof Arne Burkhardt to all that will listen. Thank you again for your reply, I am most grateful.
You're welcome, Cynthia. I have enjoyed our exchanges.
Thank-you for speaking of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi.
Here is a video from 2021 where Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is speaking of Prof Arne Burkhardts work.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said
Clear evidence…
“Auto immune self attack by killer T lymphocytes on tissues.”
Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack - 22/12/2021
Yes, I remember seeing that video. Thanks for providing the link. I may watch it again. Dr. Bhakdi's book, together with his wife, Karina Reiss, PhD, was actually the first book I read regarding the whole scamdemic. It was called, "Corona, False Alarm?" Between Dr. Vladimir Zelenko & Dr. Bhakdi, they really opened my eyes about what was going on. They, in turn, led me down a very deep rabbit hole as well as a very long & winding road of discovery as to what was being perpetrated against & foisted on humanity. I am very grateful to them as I am to all of the other courageous & ethical doctors & scientists who have spoken out about this deliberate attack on the world's population. I keep their names close at hand & it is from them that I seek information. Once you have this level & degree of insight & understanding, it is easy to see precisely what has taken place. The hardest part is trying to get others to open their eyes. I've pretty much given up. As Mark Twain once said, "It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they've been fooled".
Great explanation! The way the body has been designed to protect us is fascinating and humbling.
Excellent post. Thanks. Problem is many will still ignore the truth.
That is what he was afraid of. They were going to double down on it. He was never going to take another vaccination/jab because of this. Soon all the 'vaxes' they sell you which your CHILDREN are MANDATED to take to go to school - will be these kinds of jabs. Total death and wipe of humans
beyond frightening....Do you really think this will happen?
I guess the rationale is that "elites" do not need "normal" humans any more
We are using "their" space, breathing "their" air....hunting "their" animals...w
What can I say? They have the power to annihilate humanity and we gave it to them.
Can it be taken back?
elites do not take jabs/vaccines. That's the tip off. Ask Billy Gate of Hell if his kids and their kids are vaxxed? Answer not a chance in hell... We are the carbon they want to get rid of. Perhaps the second coming is coming fast and they don't want any souls left for Heaven... so they are corrupting and killing them off asap. I think of this as alien. These are profoundly anti life anti human anti world people. On par with an alien culture terra forming us out of existence
Mark my words .... people will fight back and there will not be enough armed guards to stop them. I'm not calling for violence BUT there is an old saying....when people lose everything and they have nothing else to lose...they lose it.
As I wrote to my list, this is the best 3 minute read on the innate immune system (for the most part) that I have seen. Thank you so much Kevin!
Thankyou Dr Stillwagon from the bottom of my heart for not being afraid to say “God designed” the immune system We marvel at the ingenuity of a craftsman who makes beautiful things that work well. That is an impressive type of wisdom isn’t it? Well, I firmly believe that Jehovah God is the Source of and the ultimate Professor of such wisdom. Your wonderful explanation in words we can all understand, helps confirm this to me.
King David said of Jehovah :”I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know this very well”(Psalm 139:14)
So, indeed, the more I, personally, learn about the human body ,the more I find myself awed, like David, by Jehovah’s wisdom
Those who try to disregard the original wise design and substitute their own are evil, arrogant fools.
Dr. Stillwater,
Thank you for getting this information out!
Until we, as a collective, understand that the mechanism of harm in these mRNA injections is cytotoxic T cells killing previously healthy cells, we stand no chance.
We got this!
Well, I believe its' simply a matter of adequate levels of Zinc, D3, and nutrition.
Boosting the immune system. But I am not a doctor.
Most of us reading this material are not doctors or researchers. I had my first cold in 20 years just this week. I will never put anything in my body just because a doctor wants me to.
Understood and agreed. In 8 years of medical school, doctors do not learn about health. They learn abour masking symptoms through drugs. This pointless system
never solves the root cause of the problem. Happy new year.
After my mRNA heart attack, stroke, myocarditis, pots, dysautonomia, I was found with depressed adaptive immune system. The doctor did dozens of tests and I recall they had CD8 in the name. Then I was diagnosed with mastocytosis. My cardiologist was at least clear, he said one more mRNA would be fatal.
Thanks for sharing that, Richard. You are so helping others through your experiences! 🙏
My 96yo mother in law has had every Covid shot, every flu shot and pneumonia and RSV. 😵💫 She hasn’t been sick with anything in at least 10 years. It’s very bizarre. I guess there’s always outliers.
Some of us have such strong mucosal barriers that stuff that is not supposed to get through it... doesn't, even though the humoral side, the inside, is compromised.
Majdoubi, Pelech, Lavoie et al. study showed (3.5 years ago, mid 2020) & at height of the COVID lockdown lunacy & way before the fraud deadly Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA gene vaccine was rolled out, that 90% of uninfected adults showed antibody reactivity against the spike protein, receptor-binding domain (RBD), N-terminal domain (NTD), or the nucleocapsid (N) protein from SARS-CoV-2
“Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA gene vaccine…”
I’m not sure what this phrase refers to. If “Malone” is referring to Robert Malone, he was indeed a leader in mRNA research. He has since come out strongly against the application of his research and is now one of the leading opponents to the mRNA products that were put on the market at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. Yet Paul Alexander excoriates Malone as one of the evil ones.
I would suggest that you take Paul Alexander’s posts with a grain of salt. He is ranting and raging on his own self directed mission and not paying attention as the situation evolves.
True, there are many who need to be held accountable for the immense damage they have brought upon us all, but let’s make sure we get the right ones identified and properly convicted before we bring out the scaffolds.
Agreed. Alexander seems to have gone off the rails this past year & only appears to include himself & a very select few as being worthy of praise. He gets quite vile & rageful, offering no one a bit of room to correct their course at any time. If you once were deceived by the dark side, he will not let you shift, & at best become “controlled opposition.” What’s the point in sharing truth if you refuse to let people have aha moments & team up with you? Hope he’s changing his stance, but I was very disappointed in him & wished I hadn’t prepaid for a year subscription to his substack.
Sadly I must state, and before there are no voters left alive to vote, unless there is REAL criminal prosecution and appropriate actions taken against all of those who walked in lock step to kill off humanity, all of these pretty ideas for actions is worthless. There is no cure of what's in us; no remedies despite all the sales ongoing of spike defense and all the crap. I urge all to view as many times as it takes for this to sink in the follow presentation by a Ph.D researcher who was murdered the day after he when public with his results:
This was from November 2021, the very apex of the pandemic. Scary.
That he could be murdered and nobody held to account speaks loudly of the professionalism of the contract killers. Who has access to professional assassins? Who can afford to pay them? How can the contractors be assured that their contract will never be public knowledge?
The overhaul needed to restore trust in our authorities is overwhelming. I like to call this our guillotine moment, a time when the authorities have so egregiously overstepped their bounds that there will be no limits on anarchy and chaos that follow. And of course it will always be somebody else who is to blame for the chaos, not the gross malfeasance of the authorities in power now.
YEP! We are at that moment David H. Stand strong !
Totally agree. We are at that moment where all is at risk. Stand strong.
Karen, thank you for your insights. What a disappointment indeed!
Best wishes going forward from here.
I suggest you go tell him.
Sure, Malone the MD/BARDA-scientist claimed he got the Cov in early 2020, and then he took the Jab (knowing very well how it had to work) and then claimed he was Jab-injured! Does that make any sense to anyone?
I asked Dr. Robert Malone why he did that to himself as I drove him to his hotel after a conference we both spoke at on November 20, 2021. He stated he was suffering aftereffects (now called long covid) and was willing to take risks to alleviate the symptoms he was experiencing. Simply, he believed testimony that the shot helped people that were in his dilemma. The proteins created from the shot attached to ACE2 receptors all along his vascular system, sent his blood pressure through the roof, and damn near killed him.
Here’s the conference we spoke at: The Florida Coalition for Health Awareness (FCHA) hosted a landmark panel of medical, research, and legal experts in Largo, Florida. The panel of experts included: Dr. Kevin Stillwagon, Dr. Joseph Fitzgerald, Jeff Childers, Robyn Openshaw, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
Thanks. That's helpful to understand.
Thanks for background information. That is very helpful.
Okay great explanation, my question to you is then, for those of us exposed to shedding and are mainly o blood types, did not get the shots, still get sick Plus, it affects the worst gene and causes that gene to become over active, then what do you think?
My suggestion is that your doc should run gene testing, once the results come back, you find the most natural way to work with the gene issue. Insurance will not help for natural meds. In some cases you may have to resort to pharmaceutical treatments.
I also know that the pharmacy folks know this is happening, but doctors, emts, and politicians refuse to talk about it.
Shedding is real just based on measurable changes in menstruation that can be verified. More investigation needs to be done on exactly what people are being exposed to. Personally, and I've said this from the beginning... it's not the protein, it's the message to make the protein that is somehow being transferred.
Gene testing can for sure be helpful in determining predisposition to certain illnesses. What we should do with that information is build preventive protocols particularly with diet and exercise. What we should NOT be doing is trying to change the genetic structure. Unfortunately, western medicine appears to be headed towards gene modification.
Dr. Tenpenny was talking about this when jabs were rolling out. Turning off one part of the immune system, and thus becoming disadvantaged and open to infections. Also Dr. Bhawat (sp) and others. The premise of the 'gene therapy' was flawed. The process as Schwab stated (thank you WEF for telling us) 'changes YOU irrevocably'... hum. And not of course in a good way...
Thank-you Dr. Kevin Stillwagon.
Would the term
T cell exhaustion be appropriate to say?
“T cell exhaustion is a state where T cells, a type of immune cell, become dysfunctional and lose their ability to effectively fight off infections or cancer cells due to prolonged exposure to a persistent antigen”
Most definitely. Persistent antigen production from mRNA shots, especially repeated booster shots can exhaust T-helper cells. They will then fail to provide adequate support for cytotoxic T cells that are supposed to destroy infected cells. They will also fail to communicate with B cells that are supposed to make appropriate antibodies, thus weakening the overall immune response. Remember that each T-helper cell is unique, so this exhaustion is going to be specific. If it was general, no one would survive.
Thank-you for your reply Dr. Kevin Stillwagon.
Being 65, I am a bit concerned…
“As we age our thymus shrinks and is replaced by fatty tissue, losing its essential ability to grow and develop T cells and leaving us susceptible to infections, immune disorders and cancers.”
“The thymus is a little organ that sits behind the collarbone, but it performs an important job. The thymus is where essential immune cells called T cells are made and trained to go out into the body and fight infections and cancer.
A peculiar feature of the thymus is that it disappears as we get older. The thymus starts deteriorating after birth but the process speeds up after puberty and, by age 65, we are basically unable to make new T cells.”
No fear
Amor up
Nitric oxide…wish everyone had done this in 2020.
Sadly I must state, and before there are no voters left alive to vote, unless there is REAL criminal prosecution and appropriate actions taken against all of those who walked in lock step to kill off humanity, those who accepted the lies and took the inoculation, there is no cure of what's in you/us; no remedies despite all the sales ongoing of spike defense and all that crap. I urge all to view as many times as it takes for this to sink in the follow presentation by a PhD.D researcher who was murdered the day after he when public with his results:
I have been thinking about this concept for a couple of years now: "...before there are no voters left alive to vote..." While the left is likely 99% shot up, including many boosters, the right did not spare itself. Untrue, as claimed by MSM/social media, that MAGA/MAHA and even beige GOPers didn't get the shots. 70%+ of Americans getting at least one shot means the majority of red/red-leaning voters got it. Didn't help that DJT was somewhat promoting the shots (but I do not hold him to account for that; he's not a doctor of any sort, nor researcher, nor God). Many of my conservative friends, colleagues and aquaintances got the shots, and seemed shocked when I expressed reservations, back in the day, 2021. So I'd been wondering, starting mid-2023, whether there'd be enough voters (who'd get OFF THEIR ARSES TO VOTE) to get the likes of a RFK Jr unity ticket with DJT (yes I dreamed it back then) voted in, past the inevitable election fraud. Now they're in, kind of (Senate confirmation hearings for the cabinet next), I am reading about how it's quite unlikely that HHS/FDA will remove the covid shots. I need to stop listening to pundits. Because the fact is, I believe you are correct: unless there is real criminal prosecution, this will happen again. And not removing the shots from the shelves has to be the first step in recovery here.
ME, It's slowly coming out that our politicos, many celebs, and power players in all major industries, including even employees of certain pharma firms did not get the v-jay or if they did it was for purposes of registering their VAX status with the govt through inoculation of only a harmless saline solution. Thankfully, the dems are the most brainwashed and have the highest percentage of injections. Now on to Shedding: if you exchange bodily fluids, even a French kiss with a v-jayed person you are vaxed. Also do not be in closed spaces with vaxxed people as even their breath is dangerous.
I did read about some Euro-police types are charging these characters you've noted above, for fake or non jabbed status, though registered in their vax system as vaxxed! And yes, it IS thankfully that the Dems are the most brainwashed and most jabbed. The shedding worries me a lot. My housemate partner is jabbed multiple times, I've lost count, must be 7 boosters, in addition to the original two Moderna shots. (Walgreens gave him a courtesy call last night offering to get him more shots)(OMG). My issues were closed spaces though that has modified over time. Everytime he gets more shots, I spend a week with ivermectin. But take a lot of supplements defensively. I know the turbo cancers and clots are hitting the unvaxxed, and assume it's through shedding so my supplements are as though I got the poison jabs. Stocked up on the anti cancer stuff too. F**king annoying, enraging actually, as anything. Enraging because I was truly persecuted, lost jobs/income, social pariah, mistreated badly for not being vaxxed.
Shedding is the issue, and it's ongoing as it was intended to attack the unv-jayed. Me, well I will not be in a closed room with v-jayed people as shedding occurs by breathing the same air. I will not allow v-jayed people in my car either. Find Dr. Bryan Ardis on the web for his protocols. I've lost some many men friends who were husbands of wives who took the vax I stopped counting. A French kiss will share the vax and kill you. The govt played the females like violins appealing to their vanity and alleged being safe from illness. Even a small amount of research informs this was a military genocide / democide program.
WHAT? I never saw a study proving the existence of COVID-19....where is that study which shows isolation and purification of SARS-C0V2 (or SARS-COV1 for that matter)???? What I know to be true is that stress, lack of nutrients, eating a high carb, high processed, seed oil, sugar rich diet can and does cause all kinds of symptoms of the body detoxing or is natural. I'm glad to know my body is resilient and knows how to repair itself when under assault (not from fictitious "pathogenic viruses".
this isn't a is a video. Please provide the study Dr. Stillwagon.
It helps if you watch the video before you criticize. He includes studies.
I asked ONE SIMPLE QUESTION....give me a study that proves isolation and purification of SARS 1 or 2. Why should I watch a video when the study should be at his fingertips? I just want one.
By your definitions, nothing could ever be isolated and purified, even water molecules. It's impossible. The inability to isolate substances underscores the interconnectedness of nature and the complexity of the natural world. The recognition that substances are never completely pure emphasizes the importance of considering context and environment in scientific inquiry. Here's my friend Dr. James Lyons-Weiler with some links to studies in the comments:
I get it that some believe that "viruses" come from within, not without. The fact is, you can find long continuous strands of genetic material that doesn't match the human genome pretty much anywhere inside and outside the body. It's easy to prove they are long continuous strands, and, yes, you can chop them up into tiny pieces and have a computer program piece them back together into unique sequences, but that's not how it's done. Watch my video. In it I describe and experiment that has never been done, but needs to be done, to settle the argument.
First, "By your definitions" mean the definition that is in any dictionary? Are you saying that Robert Koch's gold standard postulates were too strict and that no one complied with the true definition of isolation and purification to determine if a disease was a disease?
You do know that contagion has never been proven and that it is still just a hypothesis, right?
You can't describe how a virus is real by using cell culture materials like antibiotics and other chemicals that would naturally cause a cell to die. Can you write down what products are used in a cell culture to isolate and purify the supposed virus?