All of my children had this shot and the middle one got actual pertussis twice after being fully “vaccinated”. It’s just insanity that we do this to our kids. I wish I knew then, what I know now. I will never take another one.

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In 1984 I brought my 5 month old daughter into the pediatrician for her first vaccine: the DPT shot. She was a happy baby who seldom cried. Within an hour she began screaming and crying inconsolably, clenching her fists and turning red. This lasted for hours. I was terrified. I never took her for another childhood shot. No pediatrician would accept her as a patient afterward without the shots. I got her into school each year with a religious exemption. She had mumps and recovered just fine. She got whooping cough (pertussis) and recovered just fine. However, she had headaches throughout her childhood and to this day suffers from severe migraines. Shortly after that first and only shot in 1984 I fortunately found Dr. Robert Mendehlson's book "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor." That book confirmed that I would never give her another shot. Years later, as a young 23 year old adult, she took a job that required international travel. Prior to going to India - and unbeknownst to me until afterward - she allowed herself to get a series of vaccinations and immediately after could barely get out of bed for days. She then developed an auto-immune condition which became so debilitating that she eventually was forced to stop working after successive hospitalizations. This, despite being treated by the "best of the best" doctors in the country - from NY to Los Angeles. She came home to live with my husband and I who cared for her for 5 years. She was bedridden and in terrible pain, had all sorts of health issues and had been given several diagnoses over the years, such as lupus. The meds she had been prescribed for lupus and the migraines only made her worse. I took her from doctor to doctor, many of whom were convinced they could help her. All of them would eventually reach a dead end and some would blame her. I spent night after night researching, realizing that if she was going to ever have a semblence of a life - that it was in my hands to keep learning and find a back to health. Backed against a wall with nowhere to turn, I reconnected with my childhood Faith and prayed. I insisted that she get tested for Lyme (not using the CDC test, but the German test), for which she was positive. The next journey was finding a practitioner who knew how to treat chronic Lyme. I surmised that if she abate her symptoms enough to allow her to get consistent sleep and eat, that her body could turn a corner and work on healing instead of battling symptoms. Her GI symptoms had been so bad that she could barely eat and weighed 100 pounds. Two years into the Lyme treatment protocol she was significantly improved - and spent less time in bed and started to become independent. From all that I had read and pieced together over the years, when the immune system is badly compromised, any of the myriad viruses, bacteria or fungus that we carry around every day which a healthy immune system keeps in check can become dominant and create a disease state. Lyme happened to be the one that flared and treating it allowed her immune system to recover enough to work on healing. I've observed that the conditioning of the human population to submit to these vaccines has been so deep and so thorough that it's only now - after the Covid jab deception - that "normal" people who have trusted the System their entire lives are open to the idea that we have perhaps been deceived for a very long time.

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Seems that before 1986, vaccines were on the ropes due to liability. Now we have a company that can't be sued making unfathomable profits on a product that at best doesn't work and worst killing people.

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I was stung by a bee on the palm of my hand while I was working. I was in pain so I went to the company clinic. After checking for the stinger in my hand, the doctor suggested a DPT shot. Really? For a bee sting? He asked me THREE separate times, and I declined three times. Then he said, “It’s good you refused. That vaccine is a bad one.”

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What an absolute wanker

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Unbelievable. Sharing far and wide. God Bless!!

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Wow. I've been completely and thoroughly lied to by my government and our regulatory agencies. The trust is gone.

Also, I'm reading section 5.4: Adverse Reactions following Prior Pertussis Vaccination, and it doesn't make sense! Can someone translate the following for me?

"If any of the following reactions occur in temporal relation to receipt of a pertussis-containing

vaccine, the decision to give any pertussis-containing vaccine, including INFANRIX, should be

based on careful consideration of the potential benefits and possible risks:

-- Temperature of ≥40.5o C (105o F) within 48 hours not due to another identifiable cause;

-- Collapse or shock-like state (hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode) within 48 hours;

-- Persistent, inconsolable crying lasting ≥3 hours, occurring within 48 hours;

-- Seizures with or without fever occurring within 3 days"

... Because it seems to be saying "If any of the following serious reactions occur within a short time of giving a pertussis vaccine...THAT is when you should consider the benefits and risks of giving the vaccine."

Wait--shouldn't the provider, in consultation with the parent or guardian, consider the benefits and risks BEFORE giving the vax, and not after a bad reaction occurs?

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And lately I’ve been seeing whooping cough vaccine commercials aimed at adults. “It’s not just for kids” I think is their angle ...

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