First, the use of the word Vaccine is highly suspect as it is false. Its a bioweapon and you know it.

Someone out there needs to try to convince me of the existence of an actual virus, whatever that is.

Another agent of disease is what likely got spread around, and it was called covid19. Whatever.

Either way, i'm not buyin'. Why? Because governments whose job it is to Protect us have turned rogue and want us dead. Look around you. See it. A Real Pandemic would never have needed illegal mandates nor coercion to aid in its control.

Merry Christmas!🚚🚜🇨🇦🌎🙏🏼✝️

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Stevan, you just said everything I was going to say. Especially (1) what they called a virus may be some sort of resonance, a wave frequency like sound, or x-ray. And (2) a bio weapon for MassMurder made by our government. Democracy is gone because we cannot trust government any longer. I will no longer bother to vote, it’s useless because of the corruption. The constitution has been shredded. We are headed in a very dark direction.

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If enough people don’t “bother to vote” in the next election, it absolutely guarantees that nothing will change and only get worse.

We MAY be able to turn this around, but not if too many people adopt your attitude.....

You can bet that “they” are going to vote, and do everything they can to win.

But many of us will sit at home and bitch.....

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You’re correct, we do need to vote!

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I'm just waiting for them to release The Pathogen that was made in a lab and bio engineered to exploit the damaged immune systems of the Vaxxers... and kill them

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I heard from a friend just today that she has Covid again. Jabbed at least four times.

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Nothing succeeds like success.

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Merry Christmas Dr Stillwagon! Thank you for always delivering an easily understood explanation of what our immune systems are designed and capable of doing. Have learned so much from your posts and videos.

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Marek's Chicken disease of course that is the intended destination! Global population reduction friends...

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“In conclusion, never forget to check bacteria first for every other virus. It should be the first real postulate and it should be applied first of Koch’s postulates.

For the next pandemic, never fear again the newer a pathogen is the more there will be MICROBIOME and bacterial evolvement. Every time a new virus will be present on our planet it always pass through the microbiome”


Is SARS-CoV-2 a virus? If yes, where does it replicate?

Only in the laboratory eukaryotic cell or also in bacterial cells?

Are the bacteria in the microbiome more numerous than our cells? YES!

And does it seem normal to you that a virus passes through the microbiome layer without bacteria interacting with the virus or producing different substances than usual?

And these bacteria controls we performed and demonstrated

🔷 SARS-CoV-2 replicates first in bacteria

🔷 That orofecal transmission is most important precisely because of the bacterial involvement

🔷 That the bacteria produces toxins

🔷 That antibiotics or a combination of antibiotics can stop both replication, transmission, and toxin production and the clinical picture of patients especially in the early stages of the disease.

🔷 That the intermediate host is bacteria.

🔷 That mutations are numerous in bacteria


DR CARLO BROGNA said at the end of one of his videos.





A new absolute quantitative method for peptide and metabolite detection - Brogna - 2024 - Journal of Mass Spectrometry - Wiley Online Library


A new absolute quantitative method for peptide and metabolite detection


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After reading your well thought out comment, the Mandelbrot set in your avatar came to mind. You should start writing your substack.

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Thank you for your substack Dr Kevin Stillwagon


People talk about viruses as if they are planning, cunning evil thinking things with a brain, but as you say they are dead, not intellectual , no brain planning going on.


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Dr. Kevin, I question whether so-called viruses are not some kind of resonance light sound, or radiation which have contagious reactions. And our government has destroyed America with all its corruption. We no longer trust government, so society will be falling apart.

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Yes, the existence of viruses is a touchy subject.


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I suppose the question is moot: but when our patriot Pat King in Alberta faced a judge on a covidian misdemeanour 3 yrs ago he defended by asking prosecution to prove the subject of their mandates: a virus. Ottawa in a panic sent a bunch of lawyers to Edmonton where they failed. Courts have access to Big Information. If they couldnt prosecute successfully then, and still haven't, it outs the Virus narrative on the dungheap.

All those pathology books, images of clingon-looking things.. but did they Prove their existence to hapless students? Hmmm not really.

Thanks for responding and have a Merry and blessed Christmas!

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Assuming your own ‘track’ with Geert Vanden Boscche! Also what if the nutation becomes more virulent?

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Geert VanDen Bossche believes the mutations will become more virulent over time. That is certainly possible. The people who need to be most concerned about increased virulence are the people who have lost their cellular protection against infection defenses due to repeated injections that focus the cytotoxic T-cells on the wrong antigen. People who did not get injected or stopped getting booster shots will most likely have cross reactive T-cell immunity that will protect them from being infected by future variants. Still, there is the possibility that more virulence can break through the cellular layer of protection in people who stopped getting these shots, but the symptoms should still be manageable, in my opinion.

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Can cellular protection be lost from infection of Covid repeatedly (4 times)

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Cellular protection against infection should remain robust in a person who was naturally infected and recovered, unless that person gets a subsequent mRNA injection. The mRNA coded protein in the covid shot will focus cellular immune response on the wrong antigen, allowing repeated infections to occur.

The question then is: Why would a person who did not get injected get covid symptoms multiple times? In my opinion, the only answer is immunosuppression. This could be related to being elderly whereby the thymus gland is no longer cranking out the high numbers of those protective T-cells. Or, immunosuppression could be coming from poor diet, low vitamin D, lack of exercise, obesity, medications, or other problems the immune system is focused on.

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I am only a few chapters into this... it describes the circumstances of the working classes across many countries during this period -- in one instance it is estimated that 60% or more of the population was barely able to feed itself... horrible filthy living conditions...

And I am thinking ... it was not vaccines that delivered them from disease rather it was the harnessing of energy... which resulted in more and better quality food... better sanitation and living conditions... less harsh work environments... better pay ... medicines.. health care ... better 'terrain' able to fight off diseases etc...

And I am thinking ... once again... F789 ALL VACCINES ... they are useless toxic garbage.


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Numbero Uno: Sanitation, washing hands and foods clean and INDOOR PLUMBING that goes to sewer treatment plant!!

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A very different view on JN.1 from Geert Vanden Bossche

- I hope you are right and that he is mistaken ..

Merry Christmas

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Boscche is confusing as heck and talks in word-salad, but I'm also baffled by "protection of infection".

Heck does that mean? Protection against infection? Why would we want to protect the infection? Clear as mud.

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Once you've experienced a bacteria, virus, toxin, or whatever you want to call it, and have built an immune response to it, you do not want to be infected again, nor do you need to be. That's where protection of future infections comes into play. If we didn't have that cellular layer of protection, we'd all be sick all the time.

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Immunological memory is the ability of the immune system to quickly and specifically recognize an antigen that the body has previously encountered and initiate a corresponding immune response. Generally these are secondary, tertiary and other subsequent immune responses to the same antigen. Immunological memory is responsible for the adaptive component of the immune system, special T and B cells — the so-called memory T and B cells.


IgG antibodies are Y-shaped protein molecules that are produced by special white blood cells (B lymphocytes) in response to foreign substances (antigens) such as viruses or bacteria. Antibodies can attach to these viruses or bacteria, rendering them harmless and unable to penetrate healthy cells. They GO AWAY with time and could fall to a NEGATIVE level DOESN'T mean susceptible.


Total immunity against viral diseases includes:

1. Local IgA and IgM

2. Humoral immunity of IgG antibodies, both those present in the blood AND those that can be produced quickly when the antigen is present

3. Cellular immunity or MEMORY

4. Other mechanisms.

When we measure antibody titers, we are ONLY documenting the IgG antibodies present in the bloodstream.


The Immune System fires up when a pathogen, like a virus, enters the body. The pathogen releases a protein called an antigen, which calls into action the immune system’s special disease-fighting cells. "Called B and T lymphocytes", these cells NOT only destroy the virus, but they REMEMBER what it looked like so they can fend it off in the FUTURE.


IMMUNOLOGIC MEMORY allows the immune system to REMEMBER the antigens or organisms to which it has previously been exposed. MEMORY EFFECTOR B cells (long-lived plasma cells) and MEMORY T-cells specific to a virus, give long-term immunity against these diseases.




The “Adaptive Immune Response" is younger than the “Innate Immune Response" in evolutionary terms and is more specific and considerably MORE POTENT in its effects.


The constituents of the adaptive immune response are the lymphoid cells. These include:


The T lymphocytes and the cytokine and chemokine messenger proteins released by these cells, which direct and REGULATE the adaptive immune response.


The B lymphocytes, which transform to the late-stage plasma cells that produce and secrete antibody.


The lymphoid cells of the adaptive immune response reside in, and circulate between, the various lymphoid tissues of the body (e.g. the lymph nodes, spleen and mucosal lymphoid tissues). In the adaptive immune response, antigen is first transported from a site of infection by a dendritic cell to the regional lymphoid tissue. That dendritic cell in turn activates "Antigen-Specific T lymphocytes," which further activate Antigen-Specific B lymphocytes.”


These activated, Antigen-Specific lymphocytes must then be mobilized from the regional lymphoid tissue and sent to the site of infection, a process that involves these cells moving into the lymphatic and blood circulation and interacting with the endothelial lining of blood vessels.


Once these cells reach the site of infection, they are able to mount a full-scale ‘EFFECTOR’ response, which is considerably STRONGER than that permitted by innate immunity. As these processes take some time to occur (in the order of 4–7 days), there is a delay before adaptive immunity ‘takes over’ from the innate form of defence.


The final component of Adaptive Immunity is the development of a “REGULATORY RESPONSE" that will "SWITCH OFF" the system when it is NO LONGER REQUIRED (i.e. when the pathogen has been ELIMINATED) so as NOT to cause DAMAGE to normal body tissue.


HOWEVER, once this is achieved, the immune system retains the “MEMORY” of that immune response.

IMMUNOLOGICAL MEMORY is another key feature of the Adaptive Immune Response. MEMORY allows the generation of a much MORE effective SECONDARY IMMUNE RESPONSE (Anamnestic MEMORY Response) if that same antigen is EVER RE-ENCOUNTERED.

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GVB says mrna shots sideline cell based innate immunity -if no natural infection occurred first .

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So why have I caught Covid 3 times while invaded

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Signed up - !

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If less than 10% of the population is still taking these shots, then can one assume we will finally reach herd immunity?

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Yes, I believe it is possible. Having said that, Geert VanDen Bossche is worried that the damage done to the innate immune systems in highly vaccinated and boosted areas will result in higher morbidity and mortality. Many of them have lost their ability to prevent infections against any potential pathogen. Sadly, some who finally stop subjecting themselves to booster shots may have waited too long, have irreparable damage, and set themselves up for future cardiovascular events and autoimmunity.

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So true. Anecdotally the only people I know getting sick often are the jabbed.

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OK, so you do mean protection AGAINST infection. In some ways that seemed obvious, but the repeated use of the phrase, without the word "against" in there, suggested you meant something else.

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Yes, that's what I mean. My wife says I do not use words properly sometimes, and she's probably right.

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