One person at a time! These major airlines that are requiring a vaccine to get hired (Yellow Fever) are creating a serious health issue and do this to IMO to gain legal leverage over their employees.

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Here's the thing....we knew this information when the Jab was initially introduced. Though there were individuals/sources that raised the alarms as to the dangers - these people/groups were ignored and/or cancelled. Why was that? We all know why...follow the money...that and the need to cull the world population. Folks have to actively describe these acts as evil...followed by some form of Justice. Otherwise, folks will continue to fall for the bamboozle and be continue to exposed to all forms of bad outcomes.

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"they were all ignored or cancelled".

You ALL ignored them. Dr bhakdi and burkhart. You all ignored. Dr John Campbell, Marc GIRARDOT, you ignored. Bret Weinstein, you ignored. WHY do you all ignore? I have no idea, you are all MENTAL.. Have you tried NOT ignoring , for 5 years straight? That might work!!!!

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Not for nothing but Dr. Campbell and Bret Weinstein were on the Jab bandwagon before they were not. Likewise, the dangers of mRNA were readily available if anyone was willing to research the product/process. Furthermore, there was a small cadre of scientists/physicians who were sounding the alarm. This latter group were vilified by the CDC, WHO, WEF, assorted governments and the MSM. As a result, people were whipped up into panic - which made them willing test subjects.

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2. Dr John made he choice because his brain was RETARDED from thinking that mRNA biodistributes. He had a year to Google that. Didn't. Just like 99% of the rest of the planet didn't.

3 Bret was not on the bandwagon.

4 both Bret and John have spent the last 2 years trying to teach you morons how jab harms. You have all ignored them. That's not their fault you all ignored them. You still can't demonstrate yourself you know the mechanism. So don't pretend to me. I've had 4 years of you all pretending you know so much when you are all grossly ignorant . Blaming others to hide your own ignorance.

5. "Anyone could research the danger". Oh yeah, then why did 99% of smart people, inject themselves?

Don't come at me with stupid comments like that. All your attempts to gasligjt reality are easily proveable as illogical nonsense, and you all come out with the same nonsense excuses, or claims of superior knowledge.

It's a joke.

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Well I’m no where near as smart as the people mentioned in your rantings. But even I knew not to get an untested gene modification shot for a disease with a less than 1% death rate. And I live in an area where 98% of all people fell for it. Can’t we all just work together?

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I'm forcibly coercing you all to work together. That's what you all can't ever do. This doctor has told you the mechanism of harm. Every one of you, have ignored him like normal morons. Stop doing that. Talk about the topic. Share and care. Like "not" morons, working together!

Global nightmare mystery genocide, solved.

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You didn't know anything. You were scared of 5g and bill gates microchips. I don't like working with a group of people who warned of total nonsense, for years, then run around now claiming they were right.

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No actually I did know. And you are an asshole! I bet your wife hates you. 🤣

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Hostile, much?

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There are 30 million dead including children, because of everyone's pathetic ignorance.

So yeah.

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We get it. You don’t seem to think we do. We wouldn’t be here if we did not get it…Lol. Yes, children dying is bad. Also, all the adults who needlessly died from these products is bad. Not everyone has “pathetic ignorance.” Did your mother ever tell you that you can “catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar”? Stop the vitriol towards people you don’t even know, who are here to learn or who already understand. We get it. Capice??

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I run circles around silly opinionated idiots like you.

First. "The danger was readily available if anyone (you?) was willing to research the process".

Please first explain to me the process/danger. Since your talking like you know.

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WRONG. You all did not know "this information", and you haven't even shown you even comprehend the concept yet. The first doctor to publically warn of this was Dr bhakdi. 99.99% of people who heard him, refused to share and repeat what he said. You all NEVER repeat the specifics. Instead you all go back to speculating and guessing about everything ELSE it could be. You've all been doing this insanity for 5 YEARS.

ONLY 5 doctors including myself, have tried to resptedly teach this. In All cases , everybody PRETENDS they understand, but NEVER demonstrate they understood, and never repeat .

You explain to me, why everybody .. EVERYBODY behaves his rediculous way. It is called the Darkforce phenomeon, and it has been studied and proven since 2021. You ALL collectively and Wilfully ignore the most critical facts, day after day.

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Look I can do it. It's easy.

"Thankyou Dr Kevin for telling us the me Hanson of harm of mRNA is CYTOXOC T KILLER CELLS DESTROYING OUR ORGANS". I can say it too! Now, I'm going to share this article and from now on, I'm going to keep telling EVERYBODY ELSE... LIKE A NORMAL PERSON SHOULD.

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There appears to be a passive resistance happening. Here in West Australia, General Practitioners are no longer giving the Covid injections.

At a lunch that I attended a General Practitioner commented about the sickness that’s around and then out of the side of his mouth muttered, “And made worse by those damn vaccines.” Many doctors on the front lines know the score.

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You just wilfully avoided the subject. What is the point of the doctor telling you, if you all just Wilfully ingore each and every time.

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It was an observation. Many of the doctors don’t believe the ‘safe and effective’ line put out by the health department.

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You STILL ignored the subject. Your ingorance is THE evil. STOP blaming others. If you ignore too.

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YOUR accusatory tone and YOUR use of emphasized words WITH CAPS makes me look at you, Sir. As YOU said, “STOP blaming others.”

It is easy to get up on your soap box and preach that others are EVIL and that we ALLLLLLLLL ignored, etc. You don’t know what others have done or said. YOU were not present in my exam rooms and have NO IDEA if the subject was ignored or passed on to each and every patient.

Just as I don’t see YOUR name plastered in the headlines, fighting Big Pharma and medical boards like Pierre Kory, etc…you don’t see MINE either. The absence of either of our names in the limelight does not define our truth or efforts.

Please temper the venom in your speech as it comes off as hateful and unnecessary.

The waspish stinger of your disdain harms those on your team. I pray that God gives me the right words, the right thoughts, and the right actions each day. I pray the same for you. ❤️

Jesus loves you.

Philippians 4:6-7

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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Right Dr Kevin. I'll give you all the details

1. The MECHANSIM described is "auto immune attack by killer T cells".

The immune cells responsible are called these names.

1" The immuunnne system" (by most doctors. 99% retarded). (DR Yeadon, Dr Mark Trozzi, Dr Ian McDermott. They say "the immune system attacks". But are crap at any details, or evidence.

2. "Cd8 killer T lymphocytes"

Dr bhakdi , planet and burkhart.

They said "lymphocyte amok, killer T lymphocytes, lymphocyte infiltration" (this is in the pathology )

3. "Cytotoxic T cells".

(Dr John Campbell, Marc GIRARDOT, Bret Weinstein) .

They repeated themselves for 2 years, nobody listened.

The best full description is "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes". Dr burkharts pathology evidence is best, but it's in all the rest as well.

99% of doctors and public are incapable of comprehending this basic fact.

Posting about this topic results in 99% of people ignoring or changing the topic. Confronting them to demonstrate they know, results in lunatic denialist hypocritical toxic behaviour.

This is known as the Darkforce phenomeon.

The theory on how jab harms, and the Darkforce , was first postulated by me. Will Thomson.

5 years ago.

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Dr Will,

Most people reading these articles and comments are lay people. We have been scratching and pawing in the dark within the information vacuum created by evil intentions. We had to discover truth in new suppressed corners of suppressed platforms. I was a firefighter for 30 years, working other laborous jobs as well and forfeited it all at great financial risk and loss of community to stay unvaccinated with my family. God showed me the injections were poison and I spent most of my time trying to convince others the same.

It was much less important to me to understand the cellular level of the attack mechanism. To learn human biological systems and decipher trustworthy sources simultaneously is a daunting task. But I'm very glad to learn about the killer T-cells holding the key.(I have to get better at explaining it)Before having you comment on one of my comments, I was just playing the game CLUE.

Mrs White with a candlestick in the library. I hope all the warriors of truth stay in the fight. We need all of them. I also hope Jan 20 welcomes the truth. It's been missing a long time.

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You said


Woo hoo!!!

Fantastic and thank-you


Everybody else can say it too

We have to know and be able to say the true mechanism of harm of the mRNA vaccines.


Who is next

Who else is willing to type

Cytotoxic CD8+ T killer lymphocytes are the mechanism of harm of the mRNA vaccines

I’ll be your cheerleader :)

Thank you again Matthew Ostiguy

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Ypu said T cells. Good. At least your learning.

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There are employers who are still requiring the c shots, I guess for ideological reasons. This insanity will only stop if or when those shots are recalled and all mRNA injections are banned until further research has been done. The big question is whether Trump will withdraw them. He is still saying that the c injections saved millions of lives. He is too proud to ever admit his mistake imo. Why did he not nominate Dr Ladapo for Surgeon General or for other positions ? Because he is openly telling people not to use these “miracle” c injections. None of his nominees ever said that the c shots needed to be recalled. Not even Dr. Bhattacharya. He was saying that it shouldn’t be mandated and only the elderly and vulnerable should have been treated with the C shots.

All c shots must be withdrawn ASAP !

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None of hat is relevant to the subject of this article. You were just told the MECHANISM OF HARM , the most investigated topic on earth. And you IGNORED and changed the subject.

2.. "more research is done". NO. The research was done and proven 3 YEARS ago. This nightmare continues because YOU and everyone else IGNORE the subject . If you didn't always ignore, you'd know the research is DONE.

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Thank-you Dr. Kevin Stillwagon.

The spike that has been manufactured from the hyjacked cell is not toxic. It is just sitting in the surface of the cell.

What causes the


Is the

Cytotoxic CD8+ T killer Lymphocytes

They see this

Spike/non-self presenting on the surface of the cell

And recognizes

It does not belong there

Self vs. Non-self


The cell is destroyed

The entire cell, not just the spike is blown up

By the cytotoxic CD8+ t killer lymphocytes


•forgotten warriors

•hidden assassins

•Serial killers

If the immune system

This is what is causing all the


Prof. Arne Burkhart

Proved this in his pathology reports

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Has been trying to warn all of us about this since 2021

Will R Thomson

Was the first person to tell us about this in 2020.

Thank you again Dr Stillwagon

Welcome to the T cell army

Killer T cells kill cells

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There, Dr Kevin. Me and Cynthia can do science. The rest of the people here, can't, and are distracting delusional sillypersons. You should be able to now observe this and communicate back again. But our investigations predict that you won't.

So doctors giving their self obsessed opinions, are guilty of not being able to communicate. And the public are guilty of not being able to learn.

What a mess.

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Step to RIGHT everybody. Here is a doctor giving you the CLEAR answer to how the injections kill and harm. The next step is. Anyone following and comment. DEMONSTRATE you heard the answer. CD8+ Killer T cells attacking and destroying. NOT SPIKE, NOT GRAPHENE BLOODY OXIDE. NOT GENETICS. .






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I learned about the cytotoxic t killer lymphocytes by writing it down, saying it out loud, and being able to have a conversation about it with someone helps.

It’s basic immunology 101

You can type in cytotoxic T cell on you tube. All sorts of videos come up explaining how they work.

It’s not complicated. Because, I can do it. Just get used to saying the words. There is something going on that whenever someone tells us the TRUE mechanism of harm of the mRNA

The cytotoxic CD8+ t killer lymphocytes, we don’t recognize or repeat that. You can break that train by just typing

The cytotoxic CD8+ t killer lymphocytes see the spike presenting on the surface of the cell and destroy that cell.

Self vs Non-self

The t killer cells see the spike as foreign

As something that does not belong in our bodies.

Killer T cells kill cells

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Excellent post!

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Thankyou. I told him to write it. Now demonstrate you understood what it was about. WHAT IS THE MECHANISM OF HARM???

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My son was required to take the Moderna shots to apply for dental school and he didn’t even get accepted as a Magna Cum laude graduate of top 7th rated school in national. What can he do to heal himself?

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The mechanism of injury is the continuous production of proteins coded by the mRNA. The production of these proteins can be slowed by increasing the levels of vitamin C to tolerable levels. The attachment of the proteins to cellular receptors is a problem, and this can be slowed by increasing consumption of foods that are high in polyphenols, using nicotine patches to compete with receptors, or ivermectin can also compete with receptors. The proteins themselves can also be broken down by using a combination of nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin as per the McCollough protocol.

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Occam's Razor.

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To whom it may concern,

The following incident (s) took place in between very late in apx February of 2020... I was an employee of the Denver Rescue Mission at this time and personally witnessed the following


On two occasions, with roughly one week separating them, almost 500 men were paid in $5.00 gift cards by an organization called "Denver Health '', if they would be willing to receive vaccinations for a spinal meningitis outbreak, which never happened. As I said, I was an employee of the Denver Rescue Mission at this time, and I can tell you without any question whatsoever, that if such an outbreak occurred, every employee would have been notified via email, as well as through their supervisors and almost assuredly there would have been a mandatory staff meeting etc... None of that ever took place. Because a spinal meningitis outbreak never happened.


As the men arrived via multiple buses at the Denver Rescue Missions 48th Street Shelter (which is actually located on 48th Ave) the process is as follows. They enter the building in single file. Each man stops at the front desk so that his ID (at that time they were using or making the transition to a form of ID called a "clarity card" - which might be worth having an additional conversation about) can be scanned. Then between where all of the beds, showers and access to the smoking area is, they have to pass through an area that is not very large, where they can easily and individually be given some information and or asked a question - such as being told about a fictional spinal meningitis outbreak and offered a $5.00 gift card if they would let themselves be given a vaccination for said fictional outbreak...



Denver Health Medical Center is part of the Denver Health and Hospital Authority, abbreviated to Denver Health, an integrated health care system that consists of a main hospital, 911 response and EMS, poison and toxicology, family health centers, school based clinics, detox services, correctional care, and medical response to terrorism, mass causalities and epidemics.

The Authority is governed by an 11 member board of directors who are appointed for 5 years by the Mayor of Denver and confirmed by the City Council.

The hospital was previously a component of the Denver government under the Denver Dept of Health and Hospitals


Michael Hancock (born July 29th 1969) started his first term as Denver's Mayor in 2011 when he was 42 years old - he's presently in 3rd term as Mayor

In 2014 Hancock was named a Rodel Fellow at the Aspen Institute for reasons that are presently indiscernible and, from what I can tell, clearly “unmerited”... Except for the fact that the Bill and Melinda Gates organization is one of the main financial supporters and donors to The Aspen Institute, see what I’m getting at.

Some of the people on The Aspen Institute's Board of trustees are Henry Louis Gates Jr.

and Leonard A. Lauder

Two lifetime Board Members are'

Henry Kissinger and Leslie Wexner

ALSO: The Bill and Melinda Gates organization is one of the main financial supporters and donors to The Aspen Institute, see what I’m getting at.

Clearly, there are some very interesting dots which easily connect here...

If anyone has any questions about anything I've written, this is my email



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🔥 Dr Christina Parks shedding



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I have met and talked with Dr. Parks, and she is brilliant. What's important to know is that bacteria will copy DNA plasmids. The genetic sequence for the spike protein is in the plasmids, as is part of a SV40 gene that can help integrate DNA into human DNA. We can certainly pass these affected bacteria between us, but they are going to have to get past the epithelial barrier to affect us. She therefore stresses gut and microbiome health for all of us, something we should heed.

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Dec 3Edited

Thank you Dr Stillwagon. I also saw this and thought you might like it.

SABINE STEBEL (biologist, protein engineer) SUBSTACK SHEDDING STUDY

Study: Project Scan 2000

IgG as an indicator of spikeopathy and shedding symptoms





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This is a very clear and direct statement as to what is occurring in our bodies upon injection. You do not bypass the gut system lightly by injection. Breaking the epithelial barrier by deep injection is unnatural. Do so at your peril.

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Right, Doctor Kevin. What's going on, as you have now helpfully proven is, when you tell people the correct mechanism of harm, as you have just done. All their brains fall out and they get taken over by "obsessive compulsive change the subject this is what I think" syndrome. All of them. 99.9% of the planet are effected.

They spent 4 years obsessively speculating about how the jabs kill, and as soon as you tell them the correct answer. Mass moronic distractions and excuses. They don't confim, don't repeat, don't share.

Then they go about blaming doctors and politicians,when it's all of their fault too.

Read all my sybstack articles for details on how this nonsense is unfolding.

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Excellent . Thankyou . Now please make one correction.

You said it causes an inflammatory response that causes damage.


The cytotoxic T cells response does the damage. Destroys cells. Inflammation is a symptom of that.

3 years alll these doctors blaming inflammation.


And that riggers the clots.

Cheers doctorr. Now get the other 2 million doctors on this stupid planet, to say the same. And we can end this stupid nightmare..

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