Great info! I wonder how many brain damaged vaccine critical thinking challenged recipients will heed it?

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I've given up hope of changing anyone's mind at this point, but I suppose I should keep trying.

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Sad to say none of the allopathic worshipers I know would believe a word the doc says

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This is great! I love this format! Good job Doc!

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Me too! Short, sweet, sassy, and filled with truth that the CDC will NEVER tell you.

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Thank you! I will send this to some of my mesmerized family and friends…hopefully the young ones will listen to your point re infants and toddlers…

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So Birx admitted “we knew”. They also knew, and know, the ‘vaccines’ are killing people. So when are people going to prison?

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Bravo, Dr. Stillwagon!!

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Brilliant, as always!

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Yesterday the WION news channel again said that Coved came from an animal in that market in China. They are spreading lies again.

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Bingo Kevin. Health comes from within. These ‘health authorities’ have suspended science and reality.

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A member of my church got a covid booster shot, as well as one or two others, at the same time last fall. Within a few months, he was in the ER thinking he might be having a stroke. No, it was glioblastoma. He had two tumors removed and another appeared within a month. I'm not sure how he's doing at this point.

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Good old cytocyn storms ahead

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Thanks Doc. Brilliant format. Short and very informative in a few words that the average person can quickly digest. This is so good for members of my family who I’m sending it to It will hopefully get them thinking now as all the other info I’ve begged them to read over the last few years has fallen on deaf ears because it’s always far too long!!!! (We have to remember not everyone either has the time or the “education” to be able to grasp complexities about how the body works!). Kevin gives those counter-arguments in words everyone can understand! Hopefully, it will inspire some to investigate the preposterous lies from the governments that we are all being told and have been told for decades because they are just puppets of Satan who is the real ruler of the world right now. Thankfully (according to prophecy) his rule will end soon! The Creator and Designer of all things, Jehovah God, which includes our wonderful immune system , has a time-line for his original purpose to be done on earth ..yes, There is a wonderful hope for the future! Examine this evidence on jw.org and gain peace instead of anxiety , as I and over 6million others in all nations have done ! Thanks again to Kevin and love to all truth-seekers from here in England

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The mystification of the average person will never fail to astound me. “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

― George Orwell

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Thank you

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"Thanks for watching, and thanks for staying smart."

Thank YOU, Doc, for helping us stay smart!

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Love the ending comment "Viruses are not alive."

This deserves to be repeated because most people don't know the difference between viruses and bacteria. It wouldn't hurt to let folks know that no one has ever seen a virus and that all images are computer generated from electron microscopy.

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This female doctor should be ashamed of herself. It’s clear she has a price. She should be responsible for anyone harmed because they believed her lies.

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