Well-done, thank you for this exchange. It will be an excellent way to teach others, both about the simple facts of health (herd immunity, vaccines generally, and the insane proposition of giving these toxin-filled injections to the immuno-compromised) and about how AI is currently working and could work if programmed with truth.

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AI is actually smarter than https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

But that's not saying much

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That’s a phenomenal instruction you’ve made to Meta AI. It will be interesting to see if Meta will permanently imbed this new instruction and whether it impacts political policies over time.

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What a revealing interaction this is between Dr. Stillwagon and Meta AI. It appears that AI is programmed to imitate a bureaucracy whose main goal is to placate with a pretense at listening.

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I had a feeling it would be and from the very first mention of it. Hasn't anyone watched 2001 Space Odyssey? LOL Really though, it is not funny, I still find it so astonishing that people buying into such BS. They are ina state of delusion and it's pathetic. And some say I am gullible?

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Executive summary: Herd immunity has been recast as only being achievable via vaccinations that no longer grant immunity (give that a moment’s consideration), at a time when declaring a pandemic is as easy as pointing to a cluster of sick folk somewhere in the vast world. Once evoked billions in taxpayer currency will automatically be transferred by horse traded politicians to corrupt corporations that will then repeatedly mass inject the entire world’s willing (so far) population with poison.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/by-your-magic-spell-all-the-nations

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I've seen this whole operation as a 3-pronged attempt to weaken/damage/eliminate as many people as conceivably possible. The first prong was to deny early out-patient treatment for covid. In this country, we have approximately 1-million licensed medical doctors. Of those, about 500 stepped-up to offer early out-patient treatment with re-purposed medications such as hydroxychloroquine & ivermectin, among others such as Budesonide. Those doctors are very much in agreement that between 75-85% of those who died from covid, dies needlessly. That means that if 1-million in this country died from covid, that between 750,000-850,000 did not need to die. The second prong were those that died from the hospital protocol of remdesivir/ventilators/midazolam. In this country, there are 5,139 community hospitals. If each hospital was responsible for a mere 50 protocol-associated deaths, that comes to 256,950. You can be sure that there were more than such deaths in each hospital. The third prong are all of the deaths from the genetic injections, referred to as vaccines. Steve Kirsch's most recent analysis, from 12/27/2024, is that these mRNA products have thus far killed 1.2 million Americans. That analysis can be found on the substack newsletter. Combined, these 3-prongs have killed an enormous number of Americans. One can only imagine what the numbers are worldwide. As of September of 2023, Denis Rancourt estimated that 17-million have been killed worldwide. That was 16-months ago.

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Why rely on AI? What is the end goal? Engaging in “conversation” with AI is legitimizing a system who’s end goal is to eliminate human beings and rely on a machine simulation of our thought process. Once machines take over, humans are eliminated from the process and real life experience is relegated to the dust bin - governments will easily

control our every move and thought. Gradually more and more humans will be “phased out” via various means. What a dystopian future. Who would want to live in this world - we humans become the robots?Or am I missing the fact that so many humans are already on board with this new system - oh my, what could go wrong. Lockstep thinking as we go into the abyss. Thank goodness I am old.

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I thank God I never brought any children into this world. Hopefully the madness will eventuall stop sooner than later.

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AI was not part of the Good Book

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"Artificial " . Similar to much of this fallen world

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Its now wonder I do not trust it. My somewhat recent decision to always follow by my gut instincts has served me well.

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Much respect

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

“Friends, at least for now, artificial intelligence has a vast and constantly expanding access to information but will only regurgitate it in a certain way. We are the smart ones when it comes to understanding human health, not AI, so as always, thanks for watching, and thanks for staying smart.”

I looked up definition of herd immunity on Google

All definitions I found included vaccination.

Does anybody else remember

‘Back in the day’

Parents bringing their children together with a child…I’m not sure…who had contracted… chicken pox, measles…I can’t remember what exactly… for the children to develop immunity?

I haven’t yet found example of this in a Google search.

I emailed this to a friend concerning the AI meta conversation.

He replied with an analysis of the conversation…I couldn’t include his reply in a restack… maybe too long?

Thank you again Dr. Kevin Stillwagon.

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