They also changed the ECG requirements around the same time. Coincidence?

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Many thanks Kevin. Seen many pilots have alignments heart attack, stroke, and a few that lost the vertical ability. One of the planes seemed to fall straight down in Huntington Beach, CA. Others had some ringing in the ears, dizziness, even some suffered severe blurred vision.

The FAA changes are not good for anyone on board the craft.

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Thanks Kevin. It's not logical, yet at the same time the airlines are all onboard with DEI. I have done a lot of flying to and from Australia in the past 40 years on many different airlines. "Fly the friendly skies." I'm not so sure anymore.

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Can you team up with Judicial Watch to put in a FOIA request for the database?

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Thank you very much for the update. This is vitally important.

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"However, the FAA discontinued the Incapacitation Data Registry in 2022, a decision that will have detrimental effects on aviation safety."

Also known as "hiding the bodies" and "being complicit". A generation of progress in flight safety cast aside to support the cover-up of a big pharma health disaster.

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The District of Criminals have turned everything into a cesspool. In order to restore America and all that is good and just, we need to remove the Bolsheviks that have taken power via a rigged election. These commies deserve to hang. Nothing will change otherwise. If you want a decent running aviation industry, a Crusade must happen. Our Ancestors are looking down hoping we rise up to the evil commies. www.gtvflyers.com for shocking facts.

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Link to a recent article of Dr. Peter F. Mayer, on his tkp.at blog, mainly read in Germany, Austria and the German speaking parts Switzerland.

The title translates to: "Sudden death of pilots - 23 percent vaccination damage", with reference to the CHD interview with Capt. Sherry Walker.

23 pc sounds like really a lot. Why should flight crews have a larger incidence rate than the average gene-injected human? Combination of effects? Bleed air, higher levels of radiation, unhealthy restaurant food, lack of exercise and stress induced by constant moving between time zones comes to my mind. Can't be the toxic injections alone unless the bad lots were stacked against air crews.


Numerous other aviation related articles on Peter Mayer's blog the past years, as entering "pilot" into the search window reveals.

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All valid points. Unfortunately the FAA stopped tracking incapacitations in 2022, and doesn't care who got the shots and when they got them. They are not collecting critical data to look for safety signals. There may be a tie-in to who got boosted and when, as adverse reactions escalate with repeated shots. But we have no way of knowing what the numbers are.

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Very important article. Thank you, Dr. Stillwagon. I shared it in a Substack Note here: https://substack.com/@bige47/note/c-67446564

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