An important issue is that the cabin air pressure appears to run around 8000 feet, this makes oxygen saturation in the blood pretty difficult for a person who is used to living at sea level, which is a huge amount of the country if that person has been damaged by Covid jab. The pilot may not have trouble at sea level, but may have terrible trouble with an air pressure of 8000 feet.

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If the FAA did issue that medical warning it would be required to provide reasoning. This means they admit that the mandated C19 medical treatments were mandated/coerced in error and without understanding the full effects of the medical treatment, which opens them up to lawsuits.

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🛩️ Learn more about the serious challenges for pilots and the flying public at the US Freedom Flyers website: https://usfreedomflyers.org. Their resources page links to related organizations: https://usfreedomflyers.org/resources/

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If only the FAA would admit the truth about the ClotShots. Innocent human life is in its hands.

Yet we hear nothing from it after all you’ve mentioned. Its silence is deafening.

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The clot-shot took my sister out with both micro and macro clotting that couldn’t be brought fully under control.

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Very sorry about your sister.

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after reading several incidents, and with the uncertainly of what governments will require for entrance and exit of countries, I decided not to go visit my overseas family anymore. Sad, but the risk is getting bigger with each incident, there being one less pilot (I think last month I read 4 or 5, some dead, some recovered but probably not able to fly anymore). thank you for pointing this out.

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Over the last 20 years (before covid) my husband and I regularly traveled out of the country for mission trips, sometimes twice a year. I don't plan to ever board a plane again. Add the FAA to the list of alphabet agencies I don't trust. I don't trust the government, I don't trust most doctors, and I am afraid of being on a flight with an injured pilot. As you stated, Ingrid, I am also afraid that I would leave and not be allowed back in without a shot of some sort. It was comforting in the past knowing that we could contact the US embassy in whatever country we were in, should we need help, but the debacle in Afghanistan took that trust away from me too. I still trust Jesus and my husband, though, to end on a positive note.

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My dreams of further overseas travel are gone.

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If I can share an editorial comment/suggestion, it would be this: Substack readers need to become a part of the “10 percent (paid)” … not the current 1 to 4 percent.

Just like our adversaries are tripling down on their lies and cover-ups, our side needs to triple down on our support of the people who scare them the most.

In my latest article, I expound on several key Substack metrics and present one easy “solution” that would help our side more effectively fight - and scare - our adversaries …

Please read and share if you happen to think like I do.


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What's your take on a class-action suit against airlines, sports team owners and managers if they don't require easily available testing for heart damage prior to play? Steve Kirsch points out that this is totally feasible. I know owners want to play ostrich because they are scared of the possible results, but that won't cut it in court!


I think we could have a gargantuan class action lawsuit against NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, etc. etc. Not to mention mandatory jabs for Airline pilots, and many other mandated vaxxxed workers!

Every game that they play without this simple heart test is a liability for the owners/managers. This has nothing to do with "PREP Emergency" freedom from liability for vaxxx manufacturers and govt. agencies. The evidence out there today is too obvious to ignore.

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The faa wont admit any failures associated with the forced covid shots. This is scary and makes me uncomfortable to fly. It’s only a matter of time disaster will strike affecting hundreds of people.

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Good article Kevin. Lots or laser pointing (“but the supply chains”) by the media away from the real problem. You nailed it. A lot of unexpected illness and disability because of the shots.

Yes it would be very prudent for FAA Aeromedical to get out ahead of this and require D-dimer clotting tests for all pilots. This won’t happen. I’m afraid they too are captured. In fact recall the increase in the EKG PR interval? This larger time interval can be a precursor to heart issues but the FAA increased the allowable range without comment. All to cover damage from the jabs.

(You can bet I took a good look at my PR during my last EKG...still good! As expected.)

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