Thank you, Dr. Stillwagon, for bringing this crucial problem to the attention of all. The skies are NOT safe and neither are the pilots. What a tragedy.

I do want to share some good news, which I hope your readers will consider and act upon locally.

BREAKING NEWS (01/18/24) - Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots

A dedicated team successfully encouraged Commissioners in several Idaho Counties to advise against Gene Therapy Shots pending investigations and full informed consent. You can help! All the details and tools are provided: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/idaho-county-commissioners-advise

Let's also respectfully blanket legislators and candidates with requests to take the medical liberty pledge (https://mlpledge.org/), pass model bills (https://icanlegislate.org/model-bills-page/), and pass this constitutional amendment (https://icanlegislate.org/constitutional-amendment/).

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Excellent work. Thank you.

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https://mlpledge.org looks great-- when did this start?

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Not sure. I first heard about it on The Highwire episode here (09/15/23): ANNOUNCING ICAN LEGISLATE : https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/announcing-ican-legislate/

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Good to know. Thank you. Really glad to see this.

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It really works to personally ask your legislators to sign this pledge. We did this and managed to get 8 more for Idaho (we started with 5). Hoping for more!

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I'll be working on it in my neck of the woods. Thank you again!

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I hesitated to share what I did and maybe shouldn’t have. I guess the distinction might be that for pilots who were already at Delta in 2020 they were not mandated. The person I spoke to expected the mandate to come and left Delta temporarily for other employment in either 2020 or 2021. But he went back at some point before last summer. In his opinion there are a number of unvaxxed pilots like himself currently flying for Delta. As I said I’m sharing it for what it’s worth. I believe him to be truthful but I’m not claiming to have all the facts. I’m glad I have this info and thought some other readers of this Substack and others like it might be glad to have it too since for me at least it has helped me deal with occasionally needing to fly in this post-vax era.

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That ATC controller means, Alright, here we go again. 😉

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And as if she (the tower controller) forgot this was a medical emergency being declared just one minute earlier, her sign-off to the pilot was "have a good day". Or maybe these medical emergencies are so common that they no longer demand extra care.

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Whatever happened to "Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!"?

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It wasn't a 'Mayday' situation. The guy declared a "medical emergency" which, in US airspace, acts like a magic key. My take on her 'Here we go' was that in the apparent ensuing silence she was busy invoking a procedure, contacting a bunch of people to enable a priority clearance into LV. Text book performance.

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The Captain of the aircraft passed out at the controls is definitely a mayday emergency. Last week I was listening to a conversation about the reluctance of US pilots to call a mayday. Some do of course. I heard one last year who correctly continued to use mayday in all comms after he had also declared an emergency to his co-pilot collapsing. That way everyone he talked to knew exactly what the situation was.

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Sure, but we seem to be straying way off the excellent points made in the article (huge surge in pilot health related incidents and the absence of any sensible or pertinent data collection) into a debate about correct ICAO/FAA terminology.

I hung up my headset a long time ago and am probably 30 years out of date. However, my observation was that any pilot "declaring an emergency" to any ATCO covering US airspace instantly becomes the lord of the skies. The effect is the same as saying "Mayday". From the short audio extract made available, I wouldn't draw any inference about her saying; "Here we go . . .". It could be interpreted in a host of different ways. Nor would I judge her for handing over with "Have a nice day" or some such. It's better than "Do you have any last messages for your loved ones". The guy knew what he was doing.

From the little we could hear she seemed to have understood the situation, immediately gave him vectors, cleared him to an appropriate flight level & cued him to the next controller. What else would you want in that sitch? It's a result. Was he squawking 7700 or been given some other priority squawk? We don't know, but probably.

The first officer sounded perfectly competent & calm. Maybe he was focused on an opportunity for early promotion. Whatever - it reminded me of an old chestnut -

Q. What's the difference between a Brirtish Airways Captain and a British Airways First Officer?

A. About 25 years pensionable service. Apart from that, they're exactly the same.

The important thing is the underlying facts regarding these incidents. The FAA, having broken its own rules about jabbing pilots with untried & untested substances, should be leading the way with demands for complete data sets. Why aren't they?

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Check out Dr Steven Pelech, Kinexus Laboratory, he has done many videos explaining his intricate test and the immune response, which is different in everybody. He also has a book coming out.

“This kind of immunity lasts for years and because of Immune Memory it can last for decades”





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Here's the problem most don't yet get: If you train your immune memory to remember the wrong thing by continuously injecting something, you're headed for serious trouble.

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It’s seems like people are wiping out their immune system and making themselves vulnerable to disease.

This is one video from a year ago. I’ve heard him say the injected are not making immune memory.


SARS-COV-2 Antibody Testing Explained



PDF ⬇️


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That makes two. Dr. William Makis reported this one. https://makismd.substack.com/p/pilot-incapacitation-latam-brasil

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Those who work on planes and keep them sky-worthy were mandated/strong-armed/coerced or however it wants to be stated. They could apply for a religious exemption but those were not guaranteed.

But we should not be surprised at all -- the airlines live off the govt and received lots of money during covid so just like all the other corporations who salivate over money, they did what they were told.

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For what it’s worth, I was told last summer by a current (and “awake”) Delta pilot that Delta did financially incentivize pilots to take the shots but never technically mandated it. Making your chances better of having at least one unvaxxed pilot on any given flight. I now fly as infrequently as possible but when I do, I only fly Delta.

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Oh my god that’s such BS they are claiming that now. They mandated it. Ask Kevin and or listen to his very first video.

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Delta did mandate the covid shot for new hire pilots for a while, but never mandated it for currently employed pilots. It was strongly encouraged with financial incentives if you got it, and punished with an extra paycheck deduction if you did not get it. The mandate for new hire pilots at Delta was dropped at some point. I checked with the HR departments at Delta, United, American, and Southwest yesterday. There are no current requirements at any of these airlines for new hire pilot candidates to get a covid shot. Delta and United require all pilots to get the yellow fever shot, unless they have a medical exemption. Personal or religious exemptions are not usually accepted.

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Thanks for clarifying that. Still so wrong

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We have a good friend who has been a Delta pilot for years. We had dinner with him recently. He said Delta never mandated the jab for pilots but instead gave financial bonuses and incentives for getting the shot. Our friend declined the offers and remains unvaccinated. Not all Delta pilots are jabbed... He keeps a running list of his pilot friends who took the shots and are now sick.

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As Patty wrote, Delta did mandate: Delta Air Lines is requiring vaccines for new employees | CNN Business (Fri May 14, 2021): https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/14/business/delta-vaccine-mandatory-new-employees/index.html

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That says, “new employees”. Delta does have pilots who were hired before the above date stated.

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I didn't take the time to dig deeply into the reports. Just enough to show that in at least one group -- new hires -- vaxes were required, which puts the flying public at risk -- not to mention the pilots themselves.

And I'm just guessing (GUESSING!) that old hires who didn't want to be vaxxed were replaced by new hires who were OK with having the shots.

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Pilots could remain unvaxxed, but endured higher medical insurance fees. They finally stopped that months ago.

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Wow, that’s amazing, especially when you consider the severe medical issues in the VAXXED, information that was well known in VAERS ages ago. And of course, you have Ed Dowd’s findings about disability claims and all cause mortality. https://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/Projects.htm

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Yes, it's almost comical that they charged un-vaxxed pilots higher medical fees because they claimed those pilots would be getting sick more often from the "Convid" and landing themselves in the hospital.

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What a coincidence ... if you believe in that sort of thing.

I just now wrote this little blurb on the subject:

Houston We Have a Problem ...


Thanks for posting this crucial info, Doc. I'm still puzzling over the FAA's change to the EKG requirements awhile back. You have any insight?

~~ j ~~

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Thank you for reporting.

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A timely article Doc. I'm a retired airline pilot in Canada and I can't imagine the logic of not looking into these events given what we now know about the mRNA shots.

I do know that this event will be a big red flag on that Captain's medical record requiring a full medical assay before being declared 'Medically Fit' to fly.

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Never underestimate the power of denial . The definition of evil given by Dr M Scott Peck is, militant ignorance.

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Or at least "Pan! Pan! Pan!"!

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A pilot incapacitation event warrants a 'Mayday' declaration.

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Affirmative”have a nice day!”

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In other words they don’t care about the pilots health or the safety of the passengers . 🤦🏽‍♀️

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For Doctors Of Medicine:

This Is Not A Crisis Of Identity;

This Is Not A Crisis Of Competence

( ... There Is Too Little To Matter) ;

This Is A Crisis Of Conscience.


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