Thank you for devoting your time to this critical issue .. I'm a retired USAF pilot & current GA pilot .. I'm trying to persuade my cardiologist on the risk ..

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A cardiologist of all people should understand the risks. Have they been studying the data?

E.g. “Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test”


There is a mountain of evidence regarding risks and benefits. It is baffling that any serious doctor can deny this.


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Exactly. Most doctors admittedly fell for the "safe and effective" narrative without thinking and investigating. As far as being effective, the trial showed within a few months that it was not effective just based on breakthrough cases. But for safety, it takes YEARS to determine what can happen. Especially with this product that is causing the body to make a protein. It takes a genetic message to make a protein. That's what the modified mRNA is in these products, the message to make the protein. But they never told us what the mRNA is in the EUA products that are still being used. Has a lab ever sequenced the mRNA to determine what the code is and if it could result in an antibody that could attack normal human proteins required to maintain health? I seriously doubt it. We know what the mRNA is in Pfizer's Tozinameran (Comirnaty) and Moderna's Elasomeran (Spikevax). But these products are not available. If the mRNA that is in Tozinameran is actually in the EUA product by Pfizer called BNT162b2, we are headed for serious trouble. The reason is because Tozinameran has a perfect 139 base pair match within a human mitochondrial gene called 12S Ribosomal RNA or MT-RNR1. It is 954 bp long and resides from position 652 to 1605. The perfect 139 bp match is in that gene area in position 763 to 901. The MT-RNR1 gene encodes for a protein responsible for regulating insulin sensitivity and metabolic homeostasis. The protein also protects against age-dependent and diet-induced insulin resistance as well as diet-induced obesity. I hope I'm wrong, but if the antibody created against the protein made by Tozinameran affects this gene, we will see an escalation of diabetes and obesity in some people who got the shot.

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I remained unvaxxed, endured the discriminations imposed by my government. Now, those restrictions are fully lifted. I will sleep without fear of dying in my sleep. I will wake up without fear of sudden death during the day. Plus I have no fear of any of the 1,000 plus adverse effects from these toxic vaccines.

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Ditto. I’m so glad my friends who were paying attention alerted me to this and that I then started paying attention too. I am also a GA pilot. When I asked my primary care person about the safety of the shots and after it came out about the clots with the JJ shot, she confidently quipped “ That’s only happening in 30 year olds. The benefits outweigh the risks. “ Guess so many are now struggling with having the honesty to Amit they were completely duped and used. To face betrayal like that is quite shocking. Easier to stay in denial and or by whitewashing it all. Same thing goes on in a disfuntional family, where normally occuring life stresses and issues come up, and instead of effectively addressing them, family members whitewash or ignore them, and do little or nothing to resolve them.

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Dr Kevin, this seems hugely important. Will you be writing more on this in your upcoming substack articles?

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“Safe and effective” was only ever a marketing gimmick.

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Just like it was for Oxycontin. They claimed it's time released, so it doesn't cause addiction to it. Yea right.

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You may enjoy this interview with an ex-Qantas pikot, Graham Hood brcause he wouldn’t take the jab. It is at the bottom of the posting. https://elylazar.substack.com/p/the-dumbness-and-lack-of-self-reflection?r=f4chq&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Dr Kevin, wow, what a small world! I was reading Dr Kory’s substack and saw the link to your newsletter. I knew your dad. I attended several of your dad’s seminars in the mid-1970s, when they were the Pierce-Stillwagon technique, and I was at the practice in Monongahela. I don’t know if I actually met you.

I was practicing in Canada, then in 1980 moved to Perth, West Australia. I am semi-retired, and get around the vaccine mandates by doing home visits only. I started writing about the Covid pandemic soon after it erupted and have been on substack for about seven months. I smelled that something was wrong from early 2020.

When did you become an airline pilot? By the way, I really enjoyed this post.

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I probably did meet you in the 1970's as I was an assistant at the Monongahela office at that time. I started flying in 1973 at the age of 15. I was in Palmer College from October 1977, graduated October 1980. Practiced at the Monongahela office from 1980 through 1989. Switched careers to airline pilot full time in 1989.

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I’m curious why you switched careers? If you’d rather not say, that’s okay. It seems like a small world at times.

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It was a matter of where I found less stress and more joy for my soul.

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It’s interesting. Thanks. I have done some other things in addition to chiropractic, but I always have stayed a chiropractor at heart. Even though I work a few hours a week now, I still enjoy looking after people. 2023 will be my 50th year as a chiropractor. It has been hard at times to see the direction the profession has taken. That’s another story and just my opinion.

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It seems like referring to mRNA has become fashionable again:


Every batch is different, as it was clear from VAERS reports by November, 2021. There was a periodical regularity among "side effects" of the lethal injections that indicated cooperation among the manufacturers. For example, about every 200th batch killed rapidly (probably with graphene hydroxide).

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BRILLIANT! Thank you for your efforts to bring this madness to an end!

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I have just read this article on the day I read this sad news re. another young doctor dying. It does make me wonder if this was an avoidable tragedy.

'A death notice confirmed the young doctor’s funeral will take place on Sunday..'


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Nature has given us a robust immune system, I am age 73, unvaxxed, have been healthy for the past 25 years without even a flu. No cancer, diabetes and other diseases that I should have succumbed to with advancing age.

I take care of my body, uses a particular ancient therapy. Eats a normal diet ( junk, healthy and everything in between), no long smoke and hardly drink alcohol. However, I am physically active, still do some light weights, do some swimming, am active in gardening.

I do notice I am no longer as energetic as when I was young. I do get tired more quickly and need to to rest for a few minutes. But I bounce back in energy and I give my body sufficient rest.

Nature continues to function in my body as I respect Nature.

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Me and my wife will take different flights just in case...one of us will survive. I am the passenger and am reading all these with some anxiety. However, I am taking mostly long-haul international flights with two pilots. Still, I will greatly reducing my travelling to essential business trips. No vacation travels for another year or two...better to be alive on the ground.

A relative who is morbid about air flights will only take slow moving container vessels...they do take on passengers. Well, maybe that is a solution too. I do not trust airlines now. Long haul trains are perhaps safer .

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