This would have to start small with individual interested doctors and clinics. If enough data comes in, someone with credible credentials can collect and publish the findings.
In 2021 I got COVID two days after the ppl around me were injected. I was antibody tested two weeks or so after recovery. The results were I had natural antibodies AND antibodies that may have come from vaccine. I then spent 18months in and out of hospital with massive inflammatory infection markers. It’s real.
I am aware that there are very sensitive antibody tests that can measure antibodies that would have come specifically from the protein created by the shot. Detecting these vaccine specific antibodies in an unvaccinated person would show that the unvaccinated person was exposed to either the protein or the message to make the protein. We need to dig deeper to find out which it is. Exposure and installation of the mRNA that makes the protein is most significant as this truly ends up being a very dangerous self-disseminating "vaccine".
This study is measuring IgA and IgG antibodies which are created after exposure to an antigen in person A and transferred to person B. We have known that antibodies can transfer from human to human through various mechanisms. We also know that antigens transfer between humans. What needs to be measured, not speculated, transfer of the message to make the antigen (spike protein) from a vaccinated person to an unvaccinated person.
We defend ourselves by never getting shots called vaccines ever again. Know that the protection against infection of anything that comes from the outside of you, including anything manmade, is cellular and does not involve antibodies. The antibodies created by these shots can only react to the infection, never prevent the infection from happening. Unfortunately the creation of antibodies from injecting something will weaken the cellular protection. So, they will try to convince people that vaccine induced antibodies will lessen disease symptoms and mortality. The aftermath of these shots shows the exact opposite. They will try the same playbook again. Don't fall for it.
The perfect immeasurable quantity: "reduces symptoms and reduces mortality". So the 90%+ of 'fully vaccinated (w/C19 mRNA gene therapy injections)' are dying 'with COVID' apparently didn't follow the laws of propaganda, unless they meant to say that 95% of them 'would have died' if they hadn't taken the endless jabs. Reduced symptoms is an even more asinine claim of 'vaccines', since symptoms and their severity is 100% subjective and there are no metrics with which to scientifically quantify. I hope your study gets traction, I believe at least two close friends may have died because of it, when the diagnosis is "unknown", but was some type of respiratory disease. I'd personally like to know if the engineered spike proteins were found in their organs, but doubt I will get a straight answer from anyone in the medical community until doctors and nurses start growing some teeth with regard to notifying people of the truth, instead of covering up their findings or investigating their suspicions.
I agree. There is no reason to get an mRNA shot. The whole idea of using transfection against disease is absurd from the prior history of it (unless one wanted to eliminate people, make them more dependent on the medical complex from messing up their body's operation, plan on coming up with anti-bodi gene-therapy through transfection to try and have a person make them themselves rather than a spike protein, etc.).
Not only was there no significant rise in world-wide deaths at the start of covid, there were no significant rise in deaths outside of NyC (and Italy) that cannot be accounted for through changes in treatment protocols, drug overdoses, incentive payments and mandates. There was NO spread like a pandemic. A great exploration of this is by Jessica Hockett and Housatonic on Rumble and J J Couey on Twitch if interested. Please show me where they are wrong so that I can move on. You will conclude that there was no pandemic. There was no novel virus and everything after that is of secondary importance (unless you have been vax injured which might have been the point). Couey will show you how mRNA does not replicate as an integral unit and cannot pandemic. (but DNA produced clones released can look like a pandemic if you do not look beyond NyC and have administrative and media control). No one has all the answers yet.
Dr. Stillwagon. As a fellow MD, can you show me where the US childhood vax schedule is justified at all and has not done more harm than good? I would appreciate it. Why do vax makers need liability protection when no other entity does except banking. Why cant the parallel rise of vaccinations and allergic and neurologic conditions be related just like all cause mortality rise post mRNA shots? There is a control group just waiting to be looked at if anybody really cared. They are called the Amish and they do not have a rise of these problems. Maybe why no one looks at them.
This whole industry is good at making unverified and untested claims like Offits that 1,000 vaccinations could be given at once with no effect. Roll up your sleeve Paul.
Any information that could correct any wrong thought of mine would be helpful to me and much appreciated.
It appears that the childhood vaccine schedule has done more harm than good. Chronic diseases and autism have risen concurrent with the expansion of the childhood vaccine schedule. A study by Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician who kept track of health outcomes in children with various vaccine exposures from none to some to all, clearly shows better health with less vaccine exposure.
The problem we have is parents succumbing to fear, fear that their child will die or experience a devastating disability if they don't get them injected. Doctors who have not studied the immune system and how trying to create vaccine induced antibodies can damage it are part of the problem. Media driven propaganda that injections will prevent infections is another. The way out is education of doctors and patients on where the protection against infection is (it's cellular, not antibodies), and how to strengthen it. It's also important for parents to know that childhood communicable diseases, when they happen, are manageable.
You bring up an interesting point about vax makers having liability protection. This came about because there were so many complaints of injuries from the DPT shot in the 1980's, that the manufacturers threatened to stop making vaccines unless they were given liability protection. The government gave in, and now taxpayers are burdened with paying settlements for proven vaccine injuries.
I hope people can find someone willing to take the blood sample. I wasn't sure which test would be the best one to use, as several are offered. Do you have suggestions, Dr. Stillwagon?
Unfortunately, the costs for the diagnostic tests are rather steep, depending on the test (price ranges from ~ $137 - $328).
NOTE: The PDF download form is in German, even after translating the website to English. Use Google Translate drag-and-drop or browse to convert it to English:
Are they now telling us that they intend to release a pathogen that has been engineered to exploit the immune system damage done by the covid vaccines... and kill 6B+ Vaxxers?
No. His protocol addresses the spike protein, not the mRNA that makes the protein. This study is trying to determine if the mRNA, the message to make the protein, gets into unvaccinated people.
The spike protein was on an existing nonliving coronavirus that is found in humans and animals. It was modified in a lab to more effectively infect human cells (gain of function). The spike protein is what attaches to human cells to allow entry (infection). Pfizer and Moderna then took the genetic sequence of the spike protein and modified it even more to suit their own purposes. The injections are messages to make foreign proteins that are not normal human proteins. This creates an immune response that can be harmful and sometimes deadly.
This presumes that RNA viral replication produces a competent replicating thing with integrity which is not the case and is even said so by super vaccine cheerleader Malone. Why cant this test be finding common background noise
The test should either confirm with electrophoresis that the genetic strand is continuous, or that there was an enzyme or protein designed to specifically attach to that strand, eliminating background noise.
If there was a pandemic, it wasn't deadly, as there was no significant rise in world-wide deaths during that time. However, there was a measurable rise in all cause mortality after the widespread administration of the mRNA injections. Various testing methods have shown vaccine specific proteins in the deceased and the disabled. Pieces of the puzzle are coming together.
This would have to start small with individual interested doctors and clinics. If enough data comes in, someone with credible credentials can collect and publish the findings.
I'd more than willing to be willing to be examined. I have never been vaccinated. Had covid two times, but also pretty sure I had it in Feb 2020.
Line items 2.1 and 2.2 would be the most beneficial to gather and tabulate.
In 2021 I got COVID two days after the ppl around me were injected. I was antibody tested two weeks or so after recovery. The results were I had natural antibodies AND antibodies that may have come from vaccine. I then spent 18months in and out of hospital with massive inflammatory infection markers. It’s real.
I am aware that there are very sensitive antibody tests that can measure antibodies that would have come specifically from the protein created by the shot. Detecting these vaccine specific antibodies in an unvaccinated person would show that the unvaccinated person was exposed to either the protein or the message to make the protein. We need to dig deeper to find out which it is. Exposure and installation of the mRNA that makes the protein is most significant as this truly ends up being a very dangerous self-disseminating "vaccine".
This study is measuring IgA and IgG antibodies which are created after exposure to an antigen in person A and transferred to person B. We have known that antibodies can transfer from human to human through various mechanisms. We also know that antigens transfer between humans. What needs to be measured, not speculated, transfer of the message to make the antigen (spike protein) from a vaccinated person to an unvaccinated person.
Thank you for the clarification.
Thank you, Dr. Stillwagon. Our government teamed up with the medical industry to murder us..... how can we defend ourselves from MassMurder?
We defend ourselves by never getting shots called vaccines ever again. Know that the protection against infection of anything that comes from the outside of you, including anything manmade, is cellular and does not involve antibodies. The antibodies created by these shots can only react to the infection, never prevent the infection from happening. Unfortunately the creation of antibodies from injecting something will weaken the cellular protection. So, they will try to convince people that vaccine induced antibodies will lessen disease symptoms and mortality. The aftermath of these shots shows the exact opposite. They will try the same playbook again. Don't fall for it.
The perfect immeasurable quantity: "reduces symptoms and reduces mortality". So the 90%+ of 'fully vaccinated (w/C19 mRNA gene therapy injections)' are dying 'with COVID' apparently didn't follow the laws of propaganda, unless they meant to say that 95% of them 'would have died' if they hadn't taken the endless jabs. Reduced symptoms is an even more asinine claim of 'vaccines', since symptoms and their severity is 100% subjective and there are no metrics with which to scientifically quantify. I hope your study gets traction, I believe at least two close friends may have died because of it, when the diagnosis is "unknown", but was some type of respiratory disease. I'd personally like to know if the engineered spike proteins were found in their organs, but doubt I will get a straight answer from anyone in the medical community until doctors and nurses start growing some teeth with regard to notifying people of the truth, instead of covering up their findings or investigating their suspicions.
I agree. There is no reason to get an mRNA shot. The whole idea of using transfection against disease is absurd from the prior history of it (unless one wanted to eliminate people, make them more dependent on the medical complex from messing up their body's operation, plan on coming up with anti-bodi gene-therapy through transfection to try and have a person make them themselves rather than a spike protein, etc.).
Not only was there no significant rise in world-wide deaths at the start of covid, there were no significant rise in deaths outside of NyC (and Italy) that cannot be accounted for through changes in treatment protocols, drug overdoses, incentive payments and mandates. There was NO spread like a pandemic. A great exploration of this is by Jessica Hockett and Housatonic on Rumble and J J Couey on Twitch if interested. Please show me where they are wrong so that I can move on. You will conclude that there was no pandemic. There was no novel virus and everything after that is of secondary importance (unless you have been vax injured which might have been the point). Couey will show you how mRNA does not replicate as an integral unit and cannot pandemic. (but DNA produced clones released can look like a pandemic if you do not look beyond NyC and have administrative and media control). No one has all the answers yet.
Dr. Stillwagon. As a fellow MD, can you show me where the US childhood vax schedule is justified at all and has not done more harm than good? I would appreciate it. Why do vax makers need liability protection when no other entity does except banking. Why cant the parallel rise of vaccinations and allergic and neurologic conditions be related just like all cause mortality rise post mRNA shots? There is a control group just waiting to be looked at if anybody really cared. They are called the Amish and they do not have a rise of these problems. Maybe why no one looks at them.
This whole industry is good at making unverified and untested claims like Offits that 1,000 vaccinations could be given at once with no effect. Roll up your sleeve Paul.
Any information that could correct any wrong thought of mine would be helpful to me and much appreciated.
Thank you for the come-back.
It appears that the childhood vaccine schedule has done more harm than good. Chronic diseases and autism have risen concurrent with the expansion of the childhood vaccine schedule. A study by Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician who kept track of health outcomes in children with various vaccine exposures from none to some to all, clearly shows better health with less vaccine exposure.
The problem we have is parents succumbing to fear, fear that their child will die or experience a devastating disability if they don't get them injected. Doctors who have not studied the immune system and how trying to create vaccine induced antibodies can damage it are part of the problem. Media driven propaganda that injections will prevent infections is another. The way out is education of doctors and patients on where the protection against infection is (it's cellular, not antibodies), and how to strengthen it. It's also important for parents to know that childhood communicable diseases, when they happen, are manageable.
You bring up an interesting point about vax makers having liability protection. This came about because there were so many complaints of injuries from the DPT shot in the 1980's, that the manufacturers threatened to stop making vaccines unless they were given liability protection. The government gave in, and now taxpayers are burdened with paying settlements for proven vaccine injuries.
Who would do the tabulation and publication of results? I couldn't figure out from the article.
I hope people can find someone willing to take the blood sample. I wasn't sure which test would be the best one to use, as several are offered. Do you have suggestions, Dr. Stillwagon?
Unfortunately, the costs for the diagnostic tests are rather steep, depending on the test (price ranges from ~ $137 - $328).
NOTE: The PDF download form is in German, even after translating the website to English. Use Google Translate drag-and-drop or browse to convert it to English:
Are they now telling us that they intend to release a pathogen that has been engineered to exploit the immune system damage done by the covid vaccines... and kill 6B+ Vaxxers?
I am unvaccinated but am taking Dr. McCullough's protocol for shedding. Should I stop that to do the blood draw?
No. His protocol addresses the spike protein, not the mRNA that makes the protein. This study is trying to determine if the mRNA, the message to make the protein, gets into unvaccinated people.
Where does the protein, of the Spike protein, originate? Is it animal? Reptile? Synthetic?
The spike protein was on an existing nonliving coronavirus that is found in humans and animals. It was modified in a lab to more effectively infect human cells (gain of function). The spike protein is what attaches to human cells to allow entry (infection). Pfizer and Moderna then took the genetic sequence of the spike protein and modified it even more to suit their own purposes. The injections are messages to make foreign proteins that are not normal human proteins. This creates an immune response that can be harmful and sometimes deadly.
Thank you!
Igor Chudov's in his substack, discussed this over a year ago and now this further validation makes it so much more real.
This presumes that RNA viral replication produces a competent replicating thing with integrity which is not the case and is even said so by super vaccine cheerleader Malone. Why cant this test be finding common background noise
The test should either confirm with electrophoresis that the genetic strand is continuous, or that there was an enzyme or protein designed to specifically attach to that strand, eliminating background noise.
Has this test proven that there was a novel deadly coronavirus in 2020 causing a pandemic?
If there was a pandemic, it wasn't deadly, as there was no significant rise in world-wide deaths during that time. However, there was a measurable rise in all cause mortality after the widespread administration of the mRNA injections. Various testing methods have shown vaccine specific proteins in the deceased and the disabled. Pieces of the puzzle are coming together.