I had a chance to talk recently with Dr. Brian Hooker, the host of Doctors and Scientists on chd.tv about what’s been going on with airline pilots since the covid shot mandate was dropped. We discussed aviation safety, pilot incapacitations, and a shot that is still mandated at two major airlines. This video is just under 19 minutes.
After the video was recorded, I learned that the pilot incapacitation data registry was apparently stopped early in 2021. We still need to find out why. Thanks for reading, and thanks for staying smart. Here’s the link to the Lies and Truth Bombs video.
It doesn't take an above-average IQ or a "Columbo" moment to figure out why the pilot incapacitation data registry was stopped & it has nothing to do with funding, staffing, or inconsistencies with reporting. We all know the real reason. Dr. William Makis has been keeping track of many of these pilot incapacitations. You can find them in the archive section of his substack. Speaking of Dr. Makis, the Albertan government (Premiere Danielle Smith) is trying to have Dr. Makis jailed after his wife filed a report with the local police about the threats & harrassment that she, her husband, & their family have endured, after Dr. Makis' attempted to expose all of the corruption in the Alberta Health Service. He is now trying to move to the U.S. to keep from being jailed....https://makismd.substack.com/p/breaking-news-alberta-premier-danielle Here is the follow-up to that article....https://makismd.substack.com/p/news-please-support-my-nomination
Like all the other government agencies, even the FAA has gone woke. To make matters worse, so have most (all?) of the airlines. Most of the airlines mandated that pilots get the clot shot and we’re seeing the results. Numerous pilots are dying suddenly. Even worse airlines are lowering the physical standards to keep the remaining pilots flying. Keep in mind that pilots take a physical every six months - so the airlines can see in real time the impact of the Jab. Layer on top of this those airlines that have implemented DEI and ESG and the safety of flying goes down. What we are left with are unfriendly skies. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to play roulette when I fly. The only real mitigating factor is that commercial flights have two pilots - so if one becomes incapacitated the other can land. Finally, don’t be surprised if the pilot population rapidly decreases given all of the above - driving up costs (ticket prices) and disrupting travel and commerce. Way to go! Clearly not ideal but this is where we are. Pax