The theme running through this book is that shots called vaccines cannot prevent infections, they can only create antibodies that react to infections. For a virus to affect you in any way, it has to get inside of you, into your bloodstream somehow. This is called the mode of transmission. The rabies mode of transmission is a bite or scratch from an infected animal. I shouldn’t have to make this analogy, but I will anyway. The rabies shot cannot prevent a rabid animal from biting you, and that’s why the rabies shot is not commonly used. Similarly, no shot called a vaccine can prevent the virus particle from entering your body, therefore they should not be commonly used either.
What we need to be concentrating on is how to prevent the infection and how to treat the infection if it happens. The protection of infection is cellular and does not involve serum antibodies. This cellular protection of infection exists even with rabies exposure. The first prevention step to take after a bite is to thoroughly wash the wound. Even so, some virus particles will remain. These particles need to be copied within cells of the body and be released in great numbers to result in the neurological symptoms characteristic of a rabies infection.
The rabies virus must attach to specific receptor sites on skeletal muscle cells where the bite occurred. After this happens, the virus can be pulled into the cell in an endosome. This is where the prevention of further infection takes place. You will remember the discussion about the sentinel cells that guard the epithelial barrier, keeping virus particles from getting through. In this situation, the virus particles have been injected through that layer by a bite. But the protective natural killer cells, dendritic cells and cytotoxic T-cells are still present around muscle cells. Their numbers are not nearly as much as those guarding the epithelial barrier, but they are still there. In a healthy person with strong innate immunity, muscle cells that contain the virus will be destroyed along with the virus, stopping the further replication of the virus. In the meantime, since the particles are in the blood, antibodies against all proteins on the rabies virus will be made. This antibody production takes time, as much as two weeks in some people. During this time, the cytotoxic T-cells and other innate immune cells will clear all virus particles. This explains the presence of rabies antibodies in healthy unvaccinated people who were exposed to rabies but did not die: It is important to remember that antibodies never clear or destroy virus particles, they only mark them for destruction.
If enough virus particles are allowed to be copied and released, the neurological symptoms characteristic of a rabies infection will appear. The mechanics of how this happens are not clearly understood, but here is a quick synopsis of the current science from this publication: Since muscle cells are rich with nerve fibers, the thought is that the virus particle can somehow move along the nerve fiber and make it to the brain. When synapses (breaks in nerve fibers) are encountered, the virus particles somehow disrupt the ability of synapses to function properly, slowing down the transmission of signals. Neurological symptoms start to appear. After reaching the brain, the particles then head back out towards the body in the other direction. What is curious is the fact that during all this process of moving towards the brain, being in the brain, and then sent from the brain…there is no nerve tissue death. In fact, because of this, scientists are trying to figure out a way to hollow out the rabies virus, put something else in there and have it delivered to the brain.
Back to the rabies virus particle moving from the brain to the body. The thought is, it makes it to the salivary glands where it can be secreted. So, that’s how the virus would get into the saliva, and then into the blood of a person who was bitten.
The scare tactic used is the statement that once neurological symptoms appear, the mortality rate is 100%. That statement is false. There have been people that displayed neurological symptoms and did not die. This is where we talk about treatment of infections if or when they occur. The treatment for rabies is called the Milwaukee protocol and is presented here:
Another treatment for rabies is the emergency introduction of rabies antibodies that were created in either horses or other humans. This is called RIG (Rabies ImmunoGlobulin). These antibodies will prevent the particles from attaching to cells and mark them for destruction. In fact, the injection of these antibodies is the first step taken with any suspected rabies exposure. Then, they will try to convince you that you need to get a series of rabies shots to make your own antibodies. This is not necessary in my opinion, as it takes weeks to make these antibodies, and by then it would probably be too late.
I present a discussion about the shot because some people that question the safety and efficacy of vaccines will say that the rabies shot is the only one they would ever consider taking. The reasoning behind this decision is the false belief that rabies is 100% fatal.
There are two rabies shots currently available in the US; IMOVAX by Sanofi Pasteur and RabAvert by GSK Notice that both shots use beta-propiolactone to inactivate the virus. If this is not done properly, you risk having the active virus injected by a needle, the same as being bitten by a rabid animal. If you doubt the possibility of this happening, just look at the reported neurological adverse reactions that include neuroparalysis, encephalitis, meningitis, transient paralysis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, myelitis, retrobulbar neuritis, multiple sclerosis, presyncope, syncope, vertigo, and visual disturbance. The Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting system (VAERS) shows 6 confirmed cases of rabies and 6 deaths that resulted after receiving the rabies shot. Another thing to consider is the fact that the shots contain human albumin which can be contaminated with other virus particles.
This discussion is not medical advice. Just know that lifesaving treatments are available without subjecting yourself to the possible adverse reactions of the shot, which is not a treatment.
Interesting note here. I read one of the biolabs in Ukraine was supposedly working an weaponized version of rabies to be spread by aerosolization. Who knows for sure what they're creating in those GoF labs.
Excellent informative post. Thank you. Years ago, my old-timer vet recommended against yearly rabies shots for my dogs. Said after the first rabies shot, subsequent were unnecessary and even harmful. He did and the young vet is a jab pusher. I do three-year rabies because I have to... Backed off on my horses' jabs too after they'd colic following jabs. Fortunately, my new equine vet admits horses too are jabbed in excess and it's not healthy.