In 1984 I self-published a short book titled “The Silent Killers” that addressed medical freedom issues and the dangers of pharmaceuticals and artificial immunization procedures (shots called vaccines). I have decided to distribute the entire publication chapter by chapter on this platform. Additions or amendments to the original are italicized to bring it up to date.
The book was dedicated to those who “know that they know” based on an Arabian proverb: He who knows not and knows not that he knows not; He is a fool – shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not; He is simple – teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows; He is asleep – wake him. He who knows and knows he knows; He is wise – follow him.
Just recently, a shift in attitude toward organized medicine has been occurring. This shift in attitude has now become significant. AND IT’S ABOUT TIME, AMERICA! We have allowed modern medicine to control our lives for too long.
We let them gain control so subtly that we didn’t even notice it. They got the children thinking medically, and once they had the kids on their side, they had the whole ball game won. A generation was raised believing that modern medicine was the indisputable source of all knowledge, wisdom, and health. They blindly trusted the medical madmen who silently led them down a path of countless dangers. Millions of people have been butchered, poisoned, deformed, and killed – and it is getting worse every year.
Are we going to continue letting orthodox medicine and all its facets in government take advantage of us, lie to us, and walk all over us? Even some of our basic American freedoms have been stripped away. A search warrant is required to invade our personal belongings, but Uncle Sam the Medicine Man needs absolutely no permission to inject any substance it pleases into our bodies. Is this freedom? No, it is a crime against all humanity. Were our forefathers crazy when they wrote the Constitution? Who decides what shall be done to our bodies; we or a bunch of power-hungry maniacs like Fauci who get their kicks by telling us what to do “for our own good?”
In some states, if we do not have our children vaccinated “for their own good”, we are breaking the law! Did you know that vaccinations such as these can lead to chromosome damage? I wonder how much damage has already been done to future generations of mankind by these forced genetic manipulations.
America is the most doctored, most medicated, most educated, most hospitalized nation on earth; and proudly boasts of its extremely high standards of medical care. Why, then, are we one of the sickest nations on earth, according to United Nations statistics? Could it be because Medicine Man Sam wants it that way? I wonder how many people will have to die from taking the wrong medication, mixing medications, or even die from the side effects of the correct medication before we wake up and realize that modern medical technology is silently killing us.
Why do we spend over $150 billion per year in 1984 (note: this has risen to about $4 trillion per year in 2020) trying to cure sickness and disease, but spend practically nothing on the maintenance of health and the prevention of disease?
We all carry “disease causing” organisms in and on our bodies, yet everyone is not sick all the time. How can this be if germs cause disease? Was it all a big lie?
America, you have been deceived by an organization that is growing so wealthy and powerful that if you do not do something about it NOW, you may never get the chance. The time has come to take a stand. Join the ranks of us who know and KNOW that we know.
I recently wrote an article on this topic. In the categories of life expectancy and infant mortality, America does quite poorly. Yet in per capital drug-taking America is number one. Australians consume half of what is consumed in your country. We live longer too; 83 years to America’s 77. This has been going on for years and the mass shootings are a symptom of an overmedicated society.
Just heard you on BardsFM very early this morning. Your articulation on this so called 'vaccination' scam was the best I've heard so far. I intend to share it with as many of my fellow critical thinkers as is possible! Looking forward to binge-reading your work here!