Both Pfizer and Moderna admit their injectable Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) have toxicity problems. The reason is two-fold. First, because, although it’s made of two normal body fats, cholesterol and disterylphosphyditylcholine abbreviated DSPC, they use polyethylene glycol, abbreviated PEG to keep the LNPs from sticking together, to stabilize it, and also to control the size of the LNP. The size of the LNP that you get injected with is very curiously the same size as the Sars-CoV-2 virus, about 100 nm in diameter. So, Polyethylene glycol is toxic and can create an anaphylactic reaction in some people.
So, if you don’t get a bad reaction, the LNPs will merge with tissue cell membranes all over your body, because the cell membranes are made of the same stuff. No, the LNPs don’t stay at the injection site, they go everywhere, something they knew ahead of time and lied to you about. Inside the larger LNP are smaller LNPs that contain the mRNA. These smaller LNPs are cationic, positively charged, and will automatically surround and encapsulate the negatively charged mRNA. So, they self assemble into mRNA containing particles, not robots, not microcircuits as some believe.
Well guess what, these cationic lipids are toxic too, and they have names. Pfizer used ALC0315 and Moderna used SM102. After these smaller LNPs get dumped into the cell, if the pH of the cell is right, the LNPs open up and allow the mRNA to escape. The problem is, the toxic cationic lipids can build up in certain tissues.
Research has proven that LNPs can accumulate in liver, spleen, and lymph nodes as shown in this mouse. Yeah, they knew this ahead of time too. The cationic lipids will cause oxidative stress and inflammation. Long-term effects on human health are still being studied and collected amongst the billions of people who got injected. Friends, it’s February 2025. We’re only 4 years into this. Long-term studies take 10 to 15 years.
So, to overcome these toxic problems, scientists are now experimenting with a new delivery system called a ProteoLipid Vehicle, abbreviated PLV, that is less toxic, and supposedly safer. They call it a ProteoLipid because they mixed in proteins with the lipids to make it act more like a virus. The proteins they use are fusion-associated small transmembrane proteins, abbreviated FAST derived from fusogenic orthoreoviruses.
Yes, fusogenic orthoreoviruses are found in nature. They are a subgroup of reoviruses that naturally occur and are known for their ability to induce cell-cell fusion through the expression of fusion-associated small transmembrane (FAST) proteins. The FAST proteins do not require a specific receptor site to merge with cells. That’s why they picked it because they want it to go EVERYWHERE, and merge with any cells, just like the lipid nanoparticles did.
I know some of you do not believe viruses exist in nature. Consider the definition of a virus is a nonliving particle with a shell of proteins and sometimes proteins and fats with genetic material inside of it, either RNA or DNA. That’s exactly what LNPs and ProteoLipid Vehicles are. They spread by injection, and create an immune response that can be symptomatic. Let that swirl around in your head for a while.
So, back to the toxicity problem. The PLV is still going to be toxic on the outside because they still use PEG to stabilize them and control their size. They are not toxic on the inside because they don’t use cationic lipids to encapsulate the mRNA on the inside, they just put pure mRNA in there through a special process called microfluidic mixing. Here you can see the mRNA entering the cell directly without being in a secondary toxic LNP.
So, they are less toxic, but still dangerous. To comprehend why they are dangerous, you must understand the way your immune system deals with cells that are making foreign proteins, WHILE they are being made, and BEFORE they even get released.
Our cells are making proteins all the time, that’s what they do, and they always do it with an mRNA template. The mRNA is transcribed from DNA inside of the nucleus, exits the nucleus, and hooks up with ribosomes in the cytoplasm to link amino acids together to make the protein. Your immune cells are constantly monitoring this process.
Two types of immune cells have the authority to kill cells that are making foreign proteins. These are the Natural Killer Cell or NK Cell, and the cytotoxic T-cell sometimes called the killer t-cell. The Natural Killer cell detects viral replication, not protein production from injected mRNA, but the mighty cytotoxic T-cell does. Here’s how that works.
Cytotoxic t-cells have receptors on them that will attach to parts of the proteins that are being made that are displayed on MHC type 1 sites on the surfaces of the cells that are making the proteins. If the parts of proteins displayed are foreign, or non-self proteins, the cytotoxic t-cell will send an apoptotic signal to the cell making it.
Through actions on its mitochondria, that cell will kill itself by forming little vesicles called blebs, the cell falls apart, and the blebs are eliminated by macrophages that take them in by phagocytosis, and nothing foreign gets in the blood or lymph.
Normally, this is no big deal, because it happens at the epithelial barrier where viral or bacterial invasions naturally occur. As the nonself proteins are being made, cytotoxic t-cells take them out gently, cleanly, in a non-inflammatory way. Due to the abundance of stem cells and progenitor cells, the epithelial cells get replaced with healthy cells quickly, sometimes in less than 3 days. This is by design from our creator so that the epithelial barrier remains functional. Sometimes the affected person doesn’t even know it happened.
But when you inject the message to make foreign proteins INSIDE the body, it IS a big deal. The injected proteolipid vehicles will merge with any organ tissue cells. As foreign proteins are being made, cytotoxic t-cells will take those organ tissue cells out. Due to limited stem cell pools and complex tissue architecture, not simple like the epithelial layer is, replacement of these cells can take weeks to months. If enough tissue loss occurs, you will end up with organ dysfunction, fibrosis, or chronic inflammation because proinflammatory cytokines will start getting released to recruit other cells to try to repair the damage. There is no way to know how much tissue loss will happen nor where it will happen because you don’t know what cells are going to be affected. Are you paying attention? All of this happens BEFORE the protein even gets made.
The injected proteolipid vehicles will also merge with endothelial cells lining blood vessels of all sizes, big and small, including the lining of the heart. The turnover time for cytotoxic t-cell damage here is days to weeks. Disrupted endothelial function can lead to vascular disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, microclots, microhemorrhages, heart attack, strokes, and myocarditis.
And for what? All because you want to make a foreign protein? Why would you do that to yourself? It doesn’t matter what the foreign protein is, and whether or not it is a toxic protein. In the process of doing this, cytotoxic t-cells will destroy cells that are making those proteins. But they’re not going to be able to kill all of them. So, some foreign proteins will get made, that’s for sure.
Then you’ll get antibodies made against those foreign proteins, which the goal of any shot called a vaccine. But it can take up to two weeks for antibodies to get made, so what happens to those proteins in the meantime? They are biologically active and will attach to various cellular receptors, and now we’re on a whole new level of tissue destruction. Cytotoxic t-cells are no longer involved because they are only looking at MHC-I sites. So now you’ve pissed off your immune system and activated macrophages and neutrophils are going to kill those cells through inflammatory pathways, whether or not the protein is toxic.
If the protein IS toxic, it can disrupt cellular membranes and cause tissue damage all by itself without the immune system even being involved. That’s what people are focused on right now… toxic protein production. But that’s at the end of the line. The real hidden danger is what happens to you BEFORE the proteins even get made.
Can you see how dangerous this is? Why do people keep doing it? To get antibody production that can’t prevent you from becoming infected anyway. Nor will they prevent severe disease because they can prime you for antibody dependent enhancement that makes the symptoms worse. Thanks for watching, and thanks for staying smart.
Dr. Stillwagon - please send this to RFK, Jr. I tried so hard to tell people what the mRNA injections were doing to their bodies, but precious few listened. Very early after the deployment of these experimental genetic injections, Dr. Charles Hoffe made a video, which aired on Dr. Joseph Mercola's site, & showed exactly what was going on inside our bodies after being injected. It was truly horrifying. Many others have also spoken out such as Dr. Michael Palmer, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Ryan Cole, & others. RFK, Jr. needs to work with all of you, to get the message out. I distinctly remember Dr. Cole saying, on multiple occasions, that the body is not supposed to produce foreign proteins. The spike protein ended up in the lining of the blood vessels, creating a sand paper like surface, which is meant to be smooth, hence all of the blood clotting issues. Everything about this product, whether it is the original one or this new design is not compatible with life. It is as simple as that. I also remember Dr. Palmer stating that because the lipid nano-particles were cationic, that multiple injections were very much like ionizing radiation. We are completely destroying our immune systems & very few are making the connection.
This will over stimulate your immune system causing a cytokines storm. This will shut your immune system down or lower it's effectiveness. This will in turn allow all kinds of diseases to propagate thu your body. Also lowering your mitochondria health. These are bio-weapons intended for one reason only. To remove you from this earth.