Fauci admits vaccines for upper respiratory infections don’t work,
…yet he thinks the solution is better vaccines. He’s wrong.
Fauci was an author on this paper, published in Cell Host & Microbe on January 11, 2023. The authors start spouting misinformation in the first sentences of the abstract. Right out of the gate they wrongly state that upper respiratory viruses “do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves”. I can tell you with confidence that complete and durable protective immunity can ONLY come from natural exposures to viruses. In the same sentence they state “they (the viruses) have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines. Well, that part they got right.
Immunity has two levels of protection. The first is protective and will prevent you from becoming infected. This protection is cellular and involves sentinel cells that guard the epithelial barrier that separates the inside of you from the external environment. Natural killer (NK) cells are one of these sentinel cells, and it is nonspecific. It doesn’t care what virus has been pulled into the epithelial cells, if it detects a presence, the natural killer cell sends a signal to the cell with the virus in it to kill itself in a noninflammatory way, and the virus never gets in. Another cell is the cytotoxic T-cell that can recognize foreign proteins it has dealt with before. Even when the virus is mutated, which happens all the time, the cytotoxic T-cell has memory that can recognize parts of the virus from a previous exposure. We know for sure this happens because blood samples that were taken and stored from people years before the SARS-CoV-2 virus was even identified, had T-cells that were able to react to the virus. You can verify that here. This is exactly why many of us never got covid symptoms - we already had durable and protective immunity from a different but similar coronavirus exposure. The cytotoxic T-cell uses the same method to eliminate cells as the natural killer cell, it’s just that the T-cell is looking for something specific, while the NK cell is not.
There is another protective mechanism that will prevent you from becoming infected, and that is called a secretory mucosal IgA antibody. The authors admit that injecting something into the body, ignoring the protective mucosal layer, will not result in secretory IgA. Injections only result in serum IgA that does not get secreted into the mucosa. The only way you can get mucosal IgA is by allowing the antigen to come through the mucosal barrier in a natural way. This is why you will see a shift from injectables to inhalable mists. Inhalation mists will not provide the broad protection they are trying to achieve, because they will make the same mistake they always do…expose you to parts of the virus instead of the whole thing. They will never expose you to the whole thing because they know the risks of creating the symptoms they are trying to prevent.
Vaccine manufactures pride themselves on measuring T-cell response to injectables, thinking that this will provide some protection against infection. It won’t because again, they make the same mistake of injecting parts of the virus, or the message to make a part of the virus. Doing this most certainly will result in a measurable T-cell response, but the T-cells end up getting trained to recognize what was injected, not the constantly mutating real thing. So, people who keep insisting on training their immune systems to look for the wrong thing will continue to become infected.
The second layer of immunity is called adaptive or reactive. This is where the antibodies, the real goal of all vaccines, come into play. This immunity does not protect you from becoming infected, it only reacts to a failed protective layer. The idea is that the antibodies will be able to bind to the invaders and block them from entering other cells, therefore making your experience with the infection less severe. That sounds really good, but it only works if the antibodies, or the memory to quickly remake them, are robust, perfect, and able to recognize and respond to all parts of the invader. An example of this is measles. Despite aggressive measles vaccine campaigns, the measles virus is still with us and always will be. We are constantly exposed to measles viruses, along with millions of others daily. Occasionally, outbreaks of symptoms will occur, but not in people who got measles naturally. Their adaptive immune responses are so perfect and so fast, they never even knew they were exposed. This is not so with some vaccinated individuals, as the antibody production from injected antigens is never good enough to provide full robust coverage, and some of them will get symptoms.
Fauci needs to admit that trying to artificially stimulate the immune system to create antibodies against selected antigens will NEVER work. We’ve been going about communicable diseases all wrong. What we should be doing is teaching people how to build natural mucosal and cellular barriers of protection, not injecting stuff that destroys it. We should be recognizing that all communicable diseases are treatable and manageable. We should also acknowledge that perfect robust antibodies that are created from natural exposures are extremely powerful and can save a person’s life if needed on an emergency basis. That’s how people are saved from poisonous snake bites and rabies bites. But we don’t inject people with pure snake venom and whole rabies viruses routinely to get them to make their own perfect antibodies, and for good reason.
For more information, watch this: https://rumble.com/v3hc3yc-the-vaccine-lie.html
Thanks for reading, and thanks for staying smart.
My personal opinion is that Dr. Fauci should be executed. Along with everyone with him who invented this new disease that is making us all sick vaccinated or not.
Babylon Deceives All Nations by her sorcery / “pharmakeia.” Revelation 18:23 “… and all nations were deceived by your sorcery. The Greek word for “sorcery” is “pharmakia” (strongs G5331). The Greek word “pharmakeia” is the origin of the English words Pharmacy, Pharmacist & Pharmaceutical. Brothers and Sisters, stay away from big pharma, which includes all vaccines.