Phase one of this operation will be to ramp up the testing for genetic material associated with bird flu. This testing will be in mucosal layers outside of the body where genetic material that is inhaled normally gets trapped so that it can be expelled. If you look for it there, you will find it. But finding it in mucosa does not conclusively mean the person or animal is infected. Nevertheless, all these positive tests will be called “cases”. The “case map” will spread, and panic will ensue. They will quote mortality rates over 50% to frighten people even more. It’s important to know that high mortality figures come from severe symptoms in the immunocompromised that are not properly managed. As is true with all communicable diseases, many infected individuals will have mild symptoms that resolve without treatment, and some will be completely asymptomatic.
Next, the panicked ones will be convinced to allow themselves to be injected with a product called a “vaccine” that contains the Hemagglutinin protein, or worse, the message to have cells of their body make the Hemagglutinin protein. Why the Hemagglutinin protein? Because that’s the protein on the shell of the virus that attaches to epithelial cells that line your airway. The thought is, if we can get the body to make an antibody to block that protein, there will be no attachment, and no infection. That sounds good but think this through. The epithelial cells line the OUTSIDE of your body. But they’re injecting this stuff INSIDE your body. So, what have you done? You’ve built up a huge titer of serum anti-hemagglutinin antibodies that cannot stop you from becoming infected nor can it lessen symptoms. In fact, the FDA approved product made by Sanofi Pasteur that you paid the federal government to stockpile was “based on immune response and not on demonstration of decreased influenza disease after vaccination with Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1.” Let that sink in. It was approved based on an immune response, not the demonstrated ability to prevent disease. Surely you must know that any proteins you inject into the body will create an immune response, that’s what your immune system does. But you must consider the consequences of doing that.
Here are the consequences of injecting the Hemagglutinin protein, or the message to make it, inside of your body. It’s going to take about two weeks for your body to ramp up antibody production against that protein. So while you’re waiting for that to happen, the injected protein will attach to sialic residues on red blood cells and platelets. This is going to cause blood clotting that can damage blood vessel walls, leading to inflammation and vasculitis. That’s why vasculitis is listed as a known adverse effect of getting the shot. Further complications include ischemic conditions in tissues supplied by these blocked and clotted vessels, resulting in all sorts of pathologies dependent on the organs involved. Other known adverse effects include Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), encephalopathy, optic neuritis/neuropathy, partial facial paralysis, and brachial plexus neuropathy.
That’s not all. The product is grown in embryonated chicken eggs, and stabilized with gelatin from pig skin, so yes, there will be DNA contamination. That’s why the instructions for the injection of this product require epi-pens standing by in case of anaphylaxis. To make sure it doesn’t create bird flu symptoms, they deactivate the concoction with formaldehyde and Polyethylene Glycol p-Isooctylphenyl Ether (a harmful detergent for isolating membrane proteins), so you get a free blast of that stuff too. They preserve it with thimerosal (a mercury derivative) in amounts supposedly not to exceed 98.2 µg per dose. Good luck confirming that before they push the plunger.
Amazingly, the instructions state: “If Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, is to be given at the same time as another injectable vaccine(s), the vaccines should always be administered at different injection sites. Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, should not be mixed with any other vaccine in the same syringe or vial.” Did you get that? Don’t mix them in the vial, but it’s ok to have your body mix them even though the safety of doing that was not tested. Your FDA approved that. Thank God there’s going to be a new sheriff in town to stop this nonsense.
It was not tested for safety in pregnant women, lactating women, children, and geriatrics. Any doctors allowing or recommending injection of those groups will look forward to the new sheriff revoking their licenses and further prosecution.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for staying smart.
Thank-you, Dr. Stillwagon, for this very educational & insightful article. This Thanksgiving, I shall give thanks, once again, for caring physicians like yourself, who help to get the truth out about a great many things. To those who are receptive, I share this information whenever possible hoping that they too, will do likewise.
Always appreciate your information. I think I noticed your comments on Medscape. Thank goodness there’s a few level headed people on there. Keep up the good work.